Folk Band - Oračkovci
created: 31. 03. 2016 15:29 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Cimbalom music group "Oračkovci" comes from Holumnica, in Kežmarok county. The members of the group are a family members of a musical family with a rich tradition. Nowadays they play a folk cimbalom music in Vysoké Tatry (High Tatras).
category: music
Birdie Beadie - Chirikloro Mirikloro
created: 31. 03. 2016 14:08 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Theatre performance „Birdie Beadie - Chirikloro Mirikloro”, based on Daniela Hivešová-Šilanová´s text, performed by professional Romani Theatre Romathan from Košice. The educational performance, above all adressed for a children, took place in Romathan Theatre in Košice.
category: drama
Who´s the most beautiful in the world - Ko pre luma nekhšukareder
created: 19. 02. 2016 15:35 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Musical fairy-tale „Who´s the most beautiful in the world - Ko pre luma nekhšukareder”, based od Daniela Hivešová-Šilanová´s text, performed by professional Romani Theatre Romathan from Košice. The educational performance, above all adressed for a children, took place in Romathan Theatre in Kosice.
category: drama
Live Book: the International Romani Day
created: 09. 02. 2016 16:00 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
State Scientific Library Prešov, documentation and information centre of Romani cluture, realized four events within the project „Live Books (word - video - audio)” in 2015, the project granted by the Ministry of culture of Slovak republic. The purpose was to promote outstanding Romani personalities of culture and arts, who are almost unknown to the majority. The first event was dedicated to the International Romani Day (8th April), where we introduced the producer of documentary films, the cinematographer and the director, Jozef Banyák. The musical guest was Gipsy Kings Revival band. The moderators were Erika Godlová and Zuzana Paľuchová.
category: speaking
Jozef Banyák
created: 09. 02. 2016 15:47 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Jozef Banyák (1958) was born in Podunajské Biskupice. In 1982 he graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava with MA degree in film and television direction. He speaks English, German, Hungarian, Russian and Spanish. In years 1981 - 1993 he worked in Slovak television as an assistant director, director and screenwriter. In the 1990s he wrote and directed several television fairy-tales, many of them worked with a theme of Romani legends: O ZORALI a DVOCH BRATOCH (About Zorali and the two brothers), O KRÁSNEJ STRIGE (About the beautiful Witch), ZLATÝ HLAS (Golden Voice).
Jozef Banyák also worked with a documentary genre. He created many documentary films for STV (RTVS - state-owned nationwide public broadcasting TV and radio), mostly with a social, ethnic and cultural themes: DIETKY NEVINNÉ (Innocent Children), TANEC JE ŽIVOT (Dance is Life), Z RUDŇAN DO BRONXU (From Rudňany to Bronx). He created also few parts of a documetary series V TIENI (In the Shade), for TV Markiza.
Since 1991, he regularly cooperates with a foreign film crews, mostly from Hollywood, filmmaking the movies in Slovakia: DRAGONHEART I., II., LUCAS B., 32nd OCTOBER, KULL THE CONQUEROR, UPRISING, etc.
In years 2008 - 2009 he created a documentary TV series of 8 parts, about the work of Slovak scientists (screenwriter, producer, director and cinematographer) called SPEKTRUM VEDY (Science Spectrum).
Since 2009 he works as a freelancer author. He is a chairman of a civic association OKNO (Window).
Other works:
2010, 2011 - KINORAMA, cultural TV magazine STV about the world of film (screenwriter, producer, director and cinematographer)
2010 - AJ KONE SA HRAJÚ (The Horses are also playing) - 65 min. movie for children (RTVS), script, directot
2010 - OLÉ, ZÁPRAŽKA (Olé, Roux) - 85 min. commedy (RTVS), script, screenplay, director
2011 - KROK Z AKROKOM (Step by Step) - documentary film about the succesful projects in solving problems of socially excluded Romani communities.
Other documentary films with a national themes: ŠPECIÁLNA INTEGRÁCIA (Special Integration) (2012), REPORTER (2013), ČAVALE (Chavale) (2013), CHLIEB AJ HRY (Bread and Games) (2014), Z BRATISLAVY DO RUDŇAN A ĎALEJ (From Bratislava to Rudňany and Further) (2014), V ÚTVARE (In the Labour Crew) (2014).
KVETY A KORENE (The Flowers and the Roots) - film about an American poet with a Slovak roots, James Ragan.
category: speaking
Ondrej Gadžor
created: 27. 01. 2016 12:08 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The photographs of a workroom of outstanding Romani woodcarver and sculptor, Ondrej Gadžor. Ondrej Gadžor (9. 7. 1956 - 19.10.2013) - the native of Krásna nad Hornádom village, began with woodcarving at the age of 24. He worked with various types of material - stone, even with horn or shells, but especially with wood. He developed a unique sculptural handwriting, influenced by the school of the academic sculptor Vojtech Löfller, in whose atelier he worked for eleven years.Among the main themes stands a woman. He had several solo exhibitions, he regularly attended sculpture open air events. He performed at several solo exhibitions home and abroad. His works are exhibited i. a. also in Los Angeles, or the Vatican and many are part of the collections of museums in Slovakia and in the Czech Republic (East Slovak Museum in Košice, SNM-Museum of Romani Culture in Slovakia in Martin, Vojtech Löffler Museum in Košice, Museum of Romani Culture in Brno).
category: crafts
Gypsy Jazz Festival
created: 14. 08. 2015 12:23 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The 4th year of the Gypsy Jazz Festival, which main organizer is a well-known musician - saxofon player, composer, band leader and promoter Miloslav Suchomel was held on February 2, 2015 in Bratislava at the theater Nová Scéna. Suchomel left behind the original festival form of individual concerts and the visitors were offered a comprehensive performance of his 30 members orchestra with jazz and string sections (the latter lead by the concert master of the Slovak National Theater, Arpád Patkoló), which gave place to several guest stars: the American singer Gail Anderson and the Romani singer Dotschy Reinhardt as the singing stars, followed by another American, a saxofon player Bill Evans. The styled Romani dance was performed by the dancers' group of Simona Horváthová. Music of the festival oscilated between the genres, mainly those of jazz, latino, oriental music and creations growing from the traditional Romani jazz. The festival was accompanied by the exhibition of fine art produced by academic painters Vladislav Zabel, Pavel Pokorný and Jozef Srna jr. The paintings were offered to the visitors for possible purchase.
category: music
Kmeťoband - speaking
created: 16. 07. 2015 10:56 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Kmeťoband - Igor Kmeťo, senior and Igor Kmeťo, junior. Since 1999, the group of father and son has been called Kmeťoband. In its current composition, the group has been playing together since 2000. The principal founders of the group are IGOR KMEŤO, sr. and IGOR KMEŤO, jr. IGOR KMEŤO senior is also a manager of the group. His son, IGOR KMEŤO, jr. plays the synthesizer and saxophone, and arranges their music. / The set of photographs contains portraits of the two musicians made during the interview after the signing competition Romano hangoró 2013 in Lučenec.
category: speaking
Štefan Banyák - speaking
created: 16. 07. 2015 10:12 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Štefan Banyák (1938 - ) is a Roma violinist. He founded the Orchestra of Roma Musicians in Dunajská Streda, currently Bihári Orchestra, and he is the main organizer of Bihári festival held in Dunajská Streda every year. The musician is a chairman of the Civil Association (CA) of Roma Musicians in Dunajská Streda. At present, he works mainly with young Roma musicians and at the same time he actively performs at various music events. The set of photographs features portraits of the musicians and pictures of awards.
category: speaking
Emília Kissová - speaking
created: 16. 07. 2015 09:00 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
A series of photographs of recording talking with Emília Kissová, the respondent from Orechová Potôň who talked about habits and traditions, differences and specifics of Olah Roma in Slovakia.
category: speaking