"Vilko in the Forest Kingdom"
created: 22. 12. 2016 08:11 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
The Romathan Theatre presented musical fairy tale for preschool and younger school aged children, named Vilko in the Forest Kingdom. The goal of the performance is to show that a good is always needed in the world of humans. The story is placed in a forest, so the children can meet with the animals, who are the carriers of the positive human characters.
category: drama
tags: Romathan
"Orfeus in the Underworld"
created: 07. 12. 2016 10:38 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
The antique Greek myth about Orpheus and his beloved Eurydice - music composed by the members of the professional orchestra from the Romathan Theater.
category: music
tags: Romathan
Rozvíjame komunity
created: 14. 09. 2016 14:49 modified: 08. 05. 2023 20:08
Dňa 21.10.2015 sa v Bratislave uskutočnila konferencia s názvom Áno, dá sa to!, ktorá bola zameraná na prezentovanie príkladov dobrej praxe riešenia spoločenských tém z realizovaných projektov podporených z Blokového grantu pre MVO a podporu partnerstiev švajčiarsko - slovenskej spolupráce. Jedným z podporených projektov bol projekt s názvom Rozvíjame komunity, ktorý realizovala organizácia Člověk v tísni, o.p.s. - pobočka Slovensko. Na konferencii tento projekt odprezentovala Mgr. Iva Grejtáková.
category: speaking
Newly Dress Romathan
created: 02. 09. 2016 09:09 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
The 65th premiere of Romathan Theatre was marked as in "a new dress". Musical and dance performance was linked with a traditional Romani psalms and dances, which are the carriers of a deep idea of Romani inner feelings and felowship and which bring the audience to the world of Roma (music, dance, singing). The orchestral background of the performance has its own separate outputs, which shows the interconnection and the multiculturalism of the nations in Europe.
category: music
tags: Romathan
Miroslav Rác - "Love theme"
created: 31. 08. 2016 12:45 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
The composition was played and recorded at the jazz concert in Želiezovce. The instrumental composition, music by Nino Rota, theme song from the film Godfather - Love theme /Bossa nova/, Miroslav Rác - piano, Anton Bukai - bassguitar, Miroslav Talpáš - drumms.
category: music
tags: Miroslav Rác
A Violin - the Spirit of Roma
created: 31. 08. 2016 12:37 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
The theatre performance " A Violin, the Spirit of Roma" is conceived as a musical fairy-tale for a children, with an educational focusing, supporting the knowing and keeping the Romani tradition.
category: drama
tags: Romathan
František Godla - Romani Culture
created: 12. 08. 2016 14:35 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
František Godla belongs to the leading representatives of process of ethnic emancipation of Romani people in Slovakia, but in the first place his occupation was an educator, pedagogue. After functioning 36 years on Grammar school of Anton Prídavok in Sabinov, he started to deal with a subject of methodology of education of Romani pupils. The speaking about the Romani culture, about its origins and cultural evolution.
category: speaking
tags: František Godla
František Godla - Romani Language
created: 12. 08. 2016 14:26 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
František Godla belongs to the leading representatives of process of ethnic emancipation of Romani people in Slovakia, but in the first place his occupation was an educator, pedagogue. After functioning 36 years on Grammar school of Anton Prídavok in Sabinov, he started to deal with a subject of methodology of education of Romani pupils. The speaking about the Romani language, about its utilization and about the research.
category: speaking
tags: František Godla
František Godla - Years after Revolution 1989
created: 11. 08. 2016 09:52 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
František Godla belongs to the leading representatives of process of ethnic emancipation of Romani people in Slovakia, but in the first place his occupation was an educator, pedagogue. After functioning 36 years on Grammar school of Anton Prídavok in Sabinov, he started to deal with a subject of methodology of education of Romani pupils. The speaking about his activities after the Velvet Revolution 1989, about the changes in society and the beginning of Romani movement.
category: speaking
tags: František Godla
František Godla - Education of Roma
created: 10. 08. 2016 11:56 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
František Godla belongs to the leading representatives of process of ethnic emancipation of Romani people in Slovakia, but in the first place his occupation was an educator, pedagogue. After functioning 26 years on Grammar school of Anton Prídavok in Sabinov, he started to deal with a subject of methodology of education of Romani pupils. The speaking about the issue of education of Roma in Slovakia, about the preschool education, about the importance and functions of language in education, as well as about the issue of Romani national educational system.
category: speaking
tags: František Godla