Theatre Romathan - Birdie Beadie
created: 07. 04. 2016 09:46 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
Theatre performance „Birdie Beadie - Chirikloro Mirikloro”, based on Daniela Hivešová-Šilanová's text, performed by professional Romani Theatre Romathan from Košice. The educational performance, above all adressed for a children, took place in Romathan Theatre in Košice.
category: drama
tags: theater fairy-tale singspiel stage adaptation Slovak Romani Romathan children and youth internal
Theatre Romathan - Who's the Most Beautiful in the World
created: 06. 04. 2016 13:37 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
Musical fairy-tale „Who's the most Beautiful in the World - Ko pre luma nekhšukareder”, based od Daniela Hivešová-Šilanová's text, performed by professional Romani Theatre Romathan from Košice. The educational performance, above all adressed for a children, took place in Romathan Theatre in Košice.
category: drama
tags: theater fairy-tale singspiel stage adaptation Slovak Romani Romathan children and youth internal
Eugen and Music
created: 05. 04. 2016 09:23 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
Eugen is a musician. He cooperates with many famous musicians and he belongs to one of the most requested pianist. Sometimes he plays three concerts a day. The music is very important for him because it expresses the felt emotion. It´s endless for him. There is a million ways how to play everything. Eugen and music are one.
category: drama
About Love and Iron
created: 04. 04. 2016 14:16 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
Ivan is a blacksmith. Together with his father, who is also a blacksmith, they are working in a family smithy in Dunajská Lužná. Ivan also uses his garden to display his „iron monsters”, the scrap iron statues. Ivan lives with his wife Linda and with lots of more or less exotic animal.
category: drama
created: 04. 04. 2016 13:53 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
Dagmar works at the Department of Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities of the Ministry of Labour, social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic. It´s difficult for her to explain to children, what she´s doing, but also to adults. The most important for her is to engage those, who are pushed away, to every activity. Dagmar lives happily with her husband Ľuboš, their son Radko and daughter Šarlota.
category: drama
Romathan Entertains
created: 04. 04. 2016 11:01 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
Music and dance program of the professional theatre Romathan from Košice. The performance was organized as an educational concert for students of a primary school and it´s compiled of dance, singing and instrumental performances of members of theatre repertory.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern original Slovak Romani general audience internal
Duo Farsa - "Johanka"
created: 26. 01. 2016 10:09 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:54
The video recorded a public performance of the guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays their own emotional compositions of various genres with mostly Spanish rhythm, flamenco. The duo consists of two masterly Romani musicians, František Godla and Dušan Onody from Sabinov. This authors' composition is named based on the lyrics originally written for it. The lyrics got inspiration from the story of Jane d'Arc and the musicians use to play it as the second piece of their performances.
category: music
Duo Farsa - "Milonga"
created: 26. 01. 2016 10:05 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The video records the public performance of the guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays its own emotive compositions of various genres, with mostly Spanish rhythms, flamenco. The Duo Farsa is created by two virtuoso Romani musicians, Frantisek Godla and Dusan Onody from Sabinov. Inspiration for the composition Milonga was the one written by Jorge Cardoso - Milonga. It is of very emotive character. The musicians use to begin each of their concerts by playing the composition and so pay respect to their parents and grandparents.
category: music
Miroslav Rác - "A Girl from Ipanema"
created: 26. 01. 2016 09:52 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The composition was documented during the jazz concert in Želiezovce. The instrumental composition. Music by: Antônio Carlos Jobim. The composition is titled Garota de Ipanema (A Girl from Ipanema. Played by: Miroslav Rác - a piano, Anton Bukai - a bass guitar, Miroslav Talpáš - drums/
category: music
tags: Miroslav Rác