1 00:00:30,050 --> 00:00:34,240 Gondoľinav, hoj oda sas avka normalnones, sar paš dojekh čhaveste. 2 00:00:34,240 --> 00:00:39,360 O dad la daha amen ispidenas andre muzikakeri škola. 3 00:00:39,560 --> 00:00:41,620 The man ispidenas. 4 00:00:41,860 --> 00:00:44,750 The bizo, sar sakoneske čhaveske, 5 00:00:44,750 --> 00:00:47,710 vaj terne muršeske, pes but na kamelas. 6 00:00:48,250 --> 00:00:52,320 The zoraľi kontrola, muzikakeri škola, vakeriben. 7 00:00:52,360 --> 00:00:55,820 Akor sas klasikano telefonos le učiteľiha, le daha the dadeha. 8 00:00:55,820 --> 00:00:58,720 Či phirav andre muzikakeri the avka. 9 00:00:58,720 --> 00:01:01,420 The paľis agorisarďom oda ciklos. 10 00:01:01,890 --> 00:01:03,620 Oda muzikakeri, bazutňi artistikaňi škola. 11 00:01:04,040 --> 00:01:07,010 Paľis varesar oda inštrumentos mukhľom avri. 12 00:01:07,280 --> 00:01:11,490 Varesave trin vaj štar berša sas andro kutos. 13 00:01:12,240 --> 00:01:13,930 Sas pedal mande ajso bijointeresno. 14 00:01:14,210 --> 00:01:17,630 Vašoda hoj akor na džanas, so odi muzika andre peste ľikerel. 15 00:01:17,630 --> 00:01:20,460 Andre škola pen cvičinenas the bašavenas veci, save... 16 00:01:20,560 --> 00:01:24,000 The me somas dojekhvar ajso motoriskero. 17 00:01:24,090 --> 00:01:25,840 The odi pasija na sas andre muzika. 18 00:01:25,840 --> 00:01:29,940 Jekhvar pes ačhiľa, hoj avľa amaro prindžardo fameľijatar. 19 00:01:29,940 --> 00:01:32,540 Ke amende Bansko Bystricate sas akor suborisTernipen. 20 00:01:32,540 --> 00:01:36,250 Šaj les leperav, Marián Bučko - Labuda. 21 00:01:37,130 --> 00:01:39,560 The lenge odgeľa harmonikaris. 22 00:01:39,560 --> 00:01:41,380 Či bi na kamas oda te probaľinel. 23 00:01:41,380 --> 00:01:42,360 The me - Na, na, na 24 00:01:42,360 --> 00:01:45,450 The o dad bizo: - The džaha, the džaha, the džaha. 25 00:01:45,620 --> 00:01:48,220 The akor oda avľa, ajso bi, visariben. 26 00:01:48,460 --> 00:01:51,860 Zachudňam te bašavel, zgeľamas le terne manušenca. 27 00:01:51,970 --> 00:01:53,900 Zachudne pen presikhavibena. 28 00:01:53,900 --> 00:01:57,820 Jon imar sas ajso zabašado suboris, akorutnones. 29 00:01:57,820 --> 00:02:00,140 Phirkerenas te bašavkerel. 30 00:02:00,340 --> 00:02:02,520 Paľis andre oda vareso arakhľom. 31 00:02:02,520 --> 00:02:04,940 The avľa aver nahoda. 32 00:02:05,720 --> 00:02:09,300 Avka hoj ke oleste imar avľom, na džanav sar. 33 00:02:09,490 --> 00:02:13,490 Bizo, ola probaľišaga andro suboriste na sas ajse, 34 00:02:13,490 --> 00:02:16,330 save bi chasňaras varekhaj te bašavel andro podňikoste. 35 00:02:16,330 --> 00:02:20,420 Aľe avka phendones aver prindžardo. 36 00:02:20,800 --> 00:02:21,940 Odgeľa harmonikaris. 37 00:02:21,940 --> 00:02:26,100 Akor pes bašavelas kolibende, reštauracijende the odgeľa lenge harmonikaris. 38 00:02:26,100 --> 00:02:27,800 Či bi na avas te zabašavel. 39 00:02:27,940 --> 00:02:29,300 Me phenďom, hoj - Ujcu.. 40 00:02:29,300 --> 00:02:31,220 Oda mange sas talam dešueňa berša. 41 00:02:31,320 --> 00:02:33,140 "Sem man nane probaľišaga, me na džanav." 42 00:02:33,140 --> 00:02:35,650 "Me aňi ajse giľa, aňi repertoaris, aňi ňič." 43 00:02:35,650 --> 00:02:39,220 "Oda ňič, av, av, amen vareso probaľinaha, zabašavaha." 44 00:02:39,220 --> 00:02:39,900 The geľom. 45 00:02:39,900 --> 00:02:43,610 The oda sas ajso andripen andro lavutaripen. 46 00:02:43,660 --> 00:02:48,340 Miro dad akor zarodkerelas, sar profesiko šoferis, trin, štar ezera koruni. 47 00:02:48,720 --> 00:02:50,450 Me oda zakerďom vaš duj ďivesa. 48 00:02:50,580 --> 00:02:52,260 The zachudňom oda te kerel. 49 00:02:52,300 --> 00:02:55,380 Te zdžal pes, te cvičinel, probaľišaga te kidel. 50 00:02:55,530 --> 00:02:59,700 Kana hoj ke amende sas ajse lačhe harmonikaren čino. 51 00:03:00,440 --> 00:03:01,820 Le manušes na sas akor, 52 00:03:01,820 --> 00:03:03,860 na sas internetos, aňi ňič aver, 53 00:03:03,920 --> 00:03:06,730 našťi les sas kaj te kidel probaľišaga, ajse. 54 00:03:07,090 --> 00:03:10,300 Sar adaďives hino internetos the čačes ala terne čhave hine, 55 00:03:10,300 --> 00:03:14,740 oda kana šunen, oda aver kategorija sar amen, kana zachudkerahas. 56 00:03:14,880 --> 00:03:17,100 Miro dad la daha na sas lavutara. 57 00:03:17,120 --> 00:03:22,380 Bo miri daj calo dživipen kerelas špitaľate sas sasťikaňi buťarďi. 58 00:03:22,380 --> 00:03:24,540 O dad sas profesiko šoferis. 59 00:03:25,170 --> 00:03:29,020 Bizo, sa čhave, e daj phirelas pro klviris, pro operakero giľavipen. 60 00:03:29,020 --> 00:03:31,780 Aľe the akor la da ľikerelas ča charno vacht. 61 00:03:31,780 --> 00:03:34,620 Vaj na džanav, so pes ačhiľa, hoj preačhiľa. 62 00:03:35,540 --> 00:03:37,530 The andal lavutariko fameľija na avľom. 63 00:03:37,530 --> 00:03:39,360 Phuro dad bašavelas. 64 00:03:39,540 --> 00:03:43,040 Varesar bašavelas khere, le phralenca len sas kapela. 65 00:03:43,240 --> 00:03:47,320 O papus, dakero phral, sas del pes te phenel jepašprofesijonalos. 66 00:03:47,320 --> 00:03:51,740 Ča pes ačhiľa ajsi jekh bari doš. 67 00:03:52,000 --> 00:03:54,600 Paľis mange jov diňa lačho bazutňipen, 68 00:03:54,600 --> 00:03:58,620 Akor sas jekh andal jekhfeder harmonikarendar. 69 00:04:33,980 --> 00:04:36,840 Dojekhvar geľom suno te šoferinel bare motora. 70 00:04:36,840 --> 00:04:38,730 Bo man sas ajso dadeskero vzoros. 71 00:04:38,730 --> 00:04:41,500 The ola jekhbareder motora, so hine, oda sas miro suno. 72 00:04:41,500 --> 00:04:43,500 Aľe avľa e muzika 73 00:04:43,500 --> 00:04:47,940 Zachudňom, bizo, pal školate, na sar elektrikaris, zachudňom te šoferinel. 74 00:04:48,060 --> 00:04:51,780 Kana man sas biš, bišujekh berša. 75 00:04:52,080 --> 00:04:56,610 The akor avľa ada deňipen te bašavel andro hotelis. 76 00:04:56,820 --> 00:05:01,600 Te varesar oda zľikerďom, hoj raťate bašavas the ďiveseste geľom andre buťi. 77 00:05:01,690 --> 00:05:04,090 Aľe paľis imar sas ajci but savorestar. 78 00:05:04,090 --> 00:05:08,170 Avka pes savoro buchľarďa, hoj imar oda na zľikeras. 79 00:05:08,290 --> 00:05:10,980 The avka automatikanes odgeľom la buťatar. 80 00:05:10,980 --> 00:05:14,820 Somas talam biš berša sar lavutaris. 81 00:05:15,980 --> 00:05:21,300 Aľe avľa ajso vacht, kana odi muzika andre podňiki imar nane avka mangľi. 82 00:05:21,700 --> 00:05:25,800 Kana sar kampelas varesar te dživel, te poťinel učti. 83 00:05:25,800 --> 00:05:30,840 Bizo, sakones hin varesave splatki, jekh avreha the bijo buťate... 84 00:05:31,090 --> 00:05:33,210 The bizo, the o manuš imar nane the jekhterneder. 85 00:05:33,210 --> 00:05:36,460 The aj les hin varesavo sarbaripen. 86 00:05:36,900 --> 00:05:38,570 The mange ada suno pherďarďom. 87 00:05:38,660 --> 00:05:42,600 Pal beršende mange kerďom voďičakos pedal bare motorende, autobusende. 88 00:05:42,600 --> 00:05:47,090 Bizo, sa legitimaciji, so hine ke oleste kampeľišagutna. 89 00:05:47,090 --> 00:05:49,180 The zachudňom te kerel sar autobusaris. 90 00:05:49,180 --> 00:05:52,140 Aver, ne džanav, či man hin andro dživipen bacht vaj so. 91 00:05:52,210 --> 00:05:53,940 Bo bijo probaľišaga. 92 00:05:53,940 --> 00:05:59,740 So olestar, kana sas le manušes probaľišaga le dadestar, aľe na šoferinelas. 93 00:05:59,930 --> 00:06:06,050 The hoj man sas bacht pedal lačhe amaleha, saveha bariľom. 94 00:06:06,290 --> 00:06:10,170 Hino majiteľis vaš autobusakero dromaripen, the avrithemutnes. 95 00:06:10,170 --> 00:06:12,970 The sar nevisaľardo buťardo bešľom andre nevo baro autobusiste. 96 00:06:13,000 --> 00:06:14,440 the zachudňom te dromarel pal lumate. 97 00:06:14,500 --> 00:06:17,170 Kana o manuš kamel te bašavel, 98 00:06:17,400 --> 00:06:21,050 sar savoro, sar dojekh buťi, musaj te sikhľol. 99 00:06:21,050 --> 00:06:23,380 Musaj te džal anglal, te sikhľol. 100 00:06:23,520 --> 00:06:27,610 Džan neve muzikakere trendi, neve harmoniji, nevo muzikakero štilos. 101 00:06:27,660 --> 00:06:29,500 The savorestar pes manuš musaj te sphandel. 102 00:06:29,500 --> 00:06:35,180 The te kerel oleha, but ora, ďivesa te cvičinel. 103 00:06:35,380 --> 00:06:38,100 Oda sar dojekh buťi oda lavutaripen. 104 00:06:38,140 --> 00:06:42,140 oda pedal mande ola biš berša, phenav avka jilestar, 105 00:06:42,140 --> 00:06:44,180 Kampelas mange ajso calo visariben. 106 00:06:44,180 --> 00:06:48,970 Del pes te phenel, hoj keras pro lukrativiko than. 107 00:06:49,540 --> 00:06:53,300 Andro jekh podňikos, kaj somas dešuefta berša. 108 00:06:53,480 --> 00:06:58,360 The ďivesestar pre aver ďives imar dosta, na kamav oda te kerel. 109 00:06:58,850 --> 00:07:01,370 Oda sas avka. Paľis amen sas ajsi kriza andre kapela, 110 00:07:01,370 --> 00:07:06,130 Bo bašavas le Alexandroha Daškoha andre kapela. 111 00:07:06,130 --> 00:07:09,530 The me našťi aňi muzika šunas. 112 00:07:09,530 --> 00:07:11,960 Aňi te bašavel, aňi o radijos te zapňinel, ňič. 113 00:07:12,040 --> 00:07:13,650 Ľikerelas man oda talam jekh berš. 114 00:07:13,900 --> 00:07:15,600 The sas oda ajsi kriza andre kapela. 115 00:07:15,600 --> 00:07:17,780 Aľe paľis savoro čalaďa the sas savoro mištes. 116 00:07:17,780 --> 00:07:19,650 The akanakes oda ľikerav sar miri pasija. 117 00:07:19,940 --> 00:07:24,580 Bašavav andro duje lavuťika kapelende. 118 00:07:24,660 --> 00:07:28,820 Oda hiňi, bizo, imar klasikaňi ľudovka, bijaveskri kapela. 119 00:07:29,000 --> 00:07:34,180 Bavinas le manušen pro recepciji, varesave firmengere mulatšaga. 120 00:07:34,370 --> 00:07:36,700 Chockana le prindžardonenge the bijava. 121 00:07:36,720 --> 00:07:39,500 Imar amenge pes oda avka na kamel, imar na sam jekhterneder. 122 00:07:39,920 --> 00:07:45,640 The prekal sphandľipen oda hiňi klasika, cimbalma, harmonika, brača, lavuta, bugova. 123 00:07:45,640 --> 00:07:47,820 Me bašavav pre harmonika the giľašagos. 124 00:08:37,200 --> 00:08:38,700 Ke romaňi muzika. 125 00:08:38,700 --> 00:08:40,140 Bariľam pre late. 126 00:08:40,690 --> 00:08:44,900 Ča phenav, savoro del dureder nevo džiduno štilos the trendos. 127 00:08:45,040 --> 00:08:48,770 Andal miro terňipen sas adi muzika averutňi. 128 00:08:48,780 --> 00:08:54,580 The me anglalthovav odi phuri, na nevi romaňi, aľe phuri romaňi muzikate. 129 00:08:54,980 --> 00:08:57,530 Ke odi phuri klasikaňi muzikate. 130 00:08:57,530 --> 00:08:59,160 Bizo, mištes zabašaďi. 131 00:08:59,160 --> 00:09:03,700 Na vakerav akanakes pal slovačiko muzika, savi bašaven Romale. 132 00:09:03,700 --> 00:09:05,400 Sar varesave regijoni. 133 00:09:05,400 --> 00:09:07,400 The bašaven muzika, so me džanav, regijoni. 134 00:09:07,400 --> 00:09:11,500 Ke odi klasikaňi romaňi muzika, savi kamav. 135 00:09:11,540 --> 00:09:15,060 Sar hine phure halgato, phure čardaša, kaj o manuš musaj te gindoľinel: 136 00:09:15,060 --> 00:09:16,820 -Aha, savi oda sas giľi? 137 00:09:16,860 --> 00:09:18,900 Me la anglal biš beršende bašavas, 138 00:09:18,900 --> 00:09:23,200 kana la mange giľavelas phuri daj, vaj la šunďom phure manušendar. 139 00:09:23,200 --> 00:09:25,040 The oda pedal mande ajso... 140 00:09:25,040 --> 00:09:28,570 Mek man hin jekh ajso mangipen le adi muzikatar, 141 00:09:29,140 --> 00:09:32,330 hoj te skidel ola phure giľa the te del len avri pro CD. 142 00:09:32,440 --> 00:09:34,450 Me som Bansko Bystricatar. 143 00:09:36,400 --> 00:09:42,440 Bystrica the pašutne gava, so me džanav Poníky, Hrochoť, 144 00:09:42,890 --> 00:09:46,540 oda dur ča daskeci kilometri, talam pandž dži deš kilometri. 145 00:09:46,840 --> 00:09:48,320 The imar oda folkloris hino aver. 146 00:09:48,320 --> 00:09:50,570 Imar hine aver ačara, aver giľa. 147 00:09:50,730 --> 00:09:54,980 The ko folkloriste iľinel the dijalektos, bizo. 148 00:09:55,580 --> 00:09:59,660 Imar oda romano dijalektos, hino aver. 149 00:09:59,850 --> 00:10:00,700 Oda hino šukar. 150 00:10:00,700 --> 00:10:03,960 Man sas aštipen te predžal la ola muzikaha 151 00:10:04,730 --> 00:10:09,420 talam jepaš Europa, vaj calo Europa, jepaš luma, na džanav. 152 00:10:09,660 --> 00:10:13,300 The zgeľom man le rusikoha folkloriha, le uzbeckoha folkloriha. 153 00:10:15,320 --> 00:10:19,320 Andre Švedija, kaj na džanas, hoj oda hine Roma. 154 00:10:19,320 --> 00:10:20,570 Oda sas Roma. 155 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:22,320 Le francuziko folkloriha. 156 00:10:22,660 --> 00:10:24,260 Jov hino špecifikano. 157 00:10:24,400 --> 00:10:30,370 The gondoľinav, hoj imar dosta ole phure džaren, oda dromaripen, uriben. 158 00:10:30,700 --> 00:10:33,570 Prekal oleste sprindžarena ole Romen. 159 00:10:33,720 --> 00:10:35,020 Mujeskero avridikhiben. 160 00:10:35,210 --> 00:10:42,530 Aľe ola giľa imar akanakes vaj oda folkloris, imar hino perdo pre akanutňipen. 161 00:10:42,560 --> 00:10:47,240 The le themeske, kaj dživel oda manuš. 162 00:10:47,240 --> 00:10:49,090 Vaj oda folkloris. 163 00:10:49,090 --> 00:10:51,530 Pedal mande oda hin avka. 164 00:10:51,720 --> 00:10:53,650 Sar oda rusiko folkloris. 165 00:10:53,850 --> 00:11:00,810 Phanden o jakha, mukhen tumenge USB, ela odoj rusiko giľi. 166 00:11:01,000 --> 00:11:04,200 The na muaj tumenge ňiko te phenel, hoj hiňi rusiko, džanen, hoj oda Rusi 167 00:11:04,280 --> 00:11:06,720 the hin len oda špecifiko rusiko folkloris. 168 00:11:06,840 --> 00:11:10,210 Mukhen peske ungriko folkloris, romano, 169 00:11:10,210 --> 00:11:12,730 džanen, hoj oda ungriko romano folkloris. 170 00:11:12,730 --> 00:11:15,260 The imar hine sthode le olenge themenge, kaj dživen. 171 00:11:15,260 --> 00:11:20,460 Oda jekhetano hino oda, gondoľinav andro oda folkloriste, 172 00:11:20,460 --> 00:11:22,600 oda jileskeriben, oda pherasipen. 173 00:11:22,880 --> 00:11:26,010 Varekana pes phenelas, hoj džaste mulatinel. 174 00:11:27,130 --> 00:11:30,490 Hoj peske džanas te bešel paš o skamind, kaj pherdo chaben hin. 175 00:11:31,400 --> 00:11:34,740 E tharďi mol, bizo, te pijel, te chal. 176 00:11:34,740 --> 00:11:37,450 Te pherasarel, te khelel, te giľavel. 177 00:11:37,560 --> 00:11:41,570 Hin, bizo, but jekhetane giľa, so hine pal calo luma. 178 00:11:41,610 --> 00:11:44,380 The ada hino oda folkloris.