1 00:00:08,250 --> 00:00:11,610 Me man vičinav Július, the som Perješistar. 2 00:00:13,310 --> 00:00:15,390 Anglunes andal muzikakeri fameľijatar. 3 00:00:16,000 --> 00:00:20,830 Amare papi, dada sas lavutara, 4 00:00:22,000 --> 00:00:24,830 pal dakere serate the pal dadeskeri serate. 5 00:00:26,600 --> 00:00:33,140 The anglunes sas lavutara vaš cimbalakeri muzikate, tradikaňi muzikate. 6 00:00:34,500 --> 00:00:40,100 Bašavenas pre lavuta, pre cimbala akordeonos, brača, bare bugova. 7 00:00:41,400 --> 00:00:46,650 Me som Perješistar, the amare papi hine Perješistar. 8 00:00:46,990 --> 00:00:48,280 Dživenas Perješte. 9 00:00:50,350 --> 00:00:55,770 The kana samas cikne čhave, the avka bariľam paš adi muzika. 10 00:00:55,770 --> 00:01:00,880 Bašavenas amenge amare papi, dada, sajekh šunahas odi muzika. 11 00:01:01,260 --> 00:01:03,260 Avka bariľom avri. 12 00:01:05,150 --> 00:01:09,080 The paľis, kana avľom andre škola, 13 00:01:10,570 --> 00:01:13,040 akor man but interesinelas e cimbala. 14 00:01:13,560 --> 00:01:15,230 Miro papus bašavelas pre cimbala. 15 00:01:16,200 --> 00:01:19,890 The kana sar o dad bašavelas pro saksofonos, pro klarinetos, 16 00:01:20,240 --> 00:01:22,660 zachudňa man te sikhavel pro klarinetos. 17 00:01:22,970 --> 00:01:26,200 Sar eftaberengero, ochtoberšengero čhaves. 18 00:01:27,530 --> 00:01:33,960 The nabut man oda bavinelas, sajekh man oda cirdelas čhavoripnestar ke cimbala. 19 00:01:35,610 --> 00:01:40,980 Paľis probaľinenas the lavuta, aľe na kamenas pedal mande ajso baro inštrumentos. 20 00:01:42,730 --> 00:01:47,290 Aľe man oda na bavinelas, ča kamavas odi cimbala. 21 00:01:47,680 --> 00:01:55,020 The akor pen rozginde, hoj mange cinena cimbala, avľom andre škola the zachudňom te sikhľol. 22 00:01:55,740 --> 00:01:59,290 Anglunes ajse tradikane romane giľa. 23 00:01:59,790 --> 00:02:01,680 Paľis man sikhľiľom o noti. 24 00:02:01,770 --> 00:02:05,950 Bizo, hoj musaj te sikhľol, kana kamavas te phirel andre škola. 25 00:02:07,140 --> 00:02:10,350 The o berša džanas, jekh berš, dujto, trito. 26 00:02:10,730 --> 00:02:14,280 Phiravas the pre ajse cimbalakere suťaža. 27 00:02:15,400 --> 00:02:20,430 Paľis zathode Perješiste čhavorikano folkloriko suboris Šarišanček. 28 00:02:20,650 --> 00:02:23,120 Odoj bašavavas pre cimbala. 29 00:02:24,670 --> 00:02:29,690 Samas odoj štar Roma la fameľijatar, strična phrala, kakus. 30 00:02:29,950 --> 00:02:35,620 So samas bazutňipen, cimbalistas, lavutaris, bugošis, bračistas. 31 00:02:36,050 --> 00:02:40,220 Amen samas bazutna džene ola kapelate, ole suboriste. 32 00:02:40,720 --> 00:02:43,890 The aver džene sas savore gadže. 33 00:02:45,020 --> 00:02:48,830 Odoj samas dži ola dešuštar beršende. 34 00:02:49,850 --> 00:02:53,820 Paľis imar geľam andre aver školi. 35 00:02:55,760 --> 00:03:00,440 Me andal 15 beršende avľom, sar profesijonalis andro ukrajiňiko teatroste. 36 00:03:00,440 --> 00:03:03,320 The akor, man sar cimbalistas ile ke peste. 37 00:03:04,690 --> 00:03:08,360 O kakus adarik odgeľa, odgeľa Čechende. 38 00:03:09,340 --> 00:03:12,400 Na sas len cimbalistas, the akor avľom vaš leste. 39 00:03:12,560 --> 00:03:16,350 Bizo, hoj musaj te predžal konkurzoha či prindžarav o noti. 40 00:03:17,120 --> 00:03:20,140 Ile man, imar bašavavas o noti imar genavas. 41 00:03:21,170 --> 00:03:23,980 The so tumenge mek phenava pal miro dživipneste? 42 00:03:24,250 --> 00:03:28,240 Paľis musaj te džal pro slugaďiko solgaľipen. 43 00:03:29,180 --> 00:03:34,090 The akor, andro suboris Jánošík Zvolenate. 44 00:03:34,450 --> 00:03:36,700 The akor odoj somas sar cimbalistas. 45 00:03:37,710 --> 00:03:40,430 Jekh berš somas ko slugaďa, paľis avľom pale. 46 00:03:40,590 --> 00:03:44,920 Arakhľom mange romňa, paľis polokes avle o čhave. 47 00:03:45,890 --> 00:03:52,600 The paľis imar zachudňom mire elšine muršes te ľigenel. 48 00:03:53,820 --> 00:03:55,420 Diňom leske e lavuta andro vasta. 49 00:03:56,520 --> 00:04:00,120 Jov pes lendar chudňa, the dži akanakes pre lende bašavel. 50 00:04:00,670 --> 00:04:04,730 The sikhľiľa, agorisarďa uči škola, bakalaris. 51 00:04:05,630 --> 00:04:09,160 The pro konzervatoriste sikhavel lavuta. 52 00:04:09,310 --> 00:04:14,730 The hin amen fameľijakeri kapela Ďusi Band me som kapelakero šeralo, 53 00:04:15,530 --> 00:04:20,160 the musaj oda te rozginel avka, hoj len musaj te jepašarel. 54 00:04:21,010 --> 00:04:26,880 Kana kampelas te sthovel e brača, akor diňom le Kristián pre brača. 55 00:04:27,180 --> 00:04:33,290 Sikhľiľa the akanakes but lačhes bašavel, akanakes hin nabut ajse bračisti, sar hino jov. 56 00:04:33,900 --> 00:04:36,080 Soha som naužardo the bachtalo. 57 00:04:37,600 --> 00:04:42,700 The le terneder maškarutno muršes, diňom pre cimbala. 58 00:04:43,000 --> 00:04:47,800 Aj te džal pal mande, aj te avel e cimbala dureder. 59 00:04:49,370 --> 00:04:51,850 The jov sikhľiľa, agorisarďa o školi. 60 00:04:51,940 --> 00:04:57,280 Sikhľol akanakes Bansko Bystricate andre Akademija e cimbala, imar dujto beršipen. 61 00:04:57,560 --> 00:05:01,100 The avka som bachtalo, hoj len oda bavinel. 62 00:05:03,460 --> 00:05:08,640 Andre kapela bašavel pre bari bugova, hino chitro bavinel les the bari bugova. 63 00:05:09,620 --> 00:05:12,090 The džanel te bašavel pro klaviris. 64 00:05:12,670 --> 00:05:15,660 The agoreste avľa jekhcikneder Samuel. 65 00:05:17,230 --> 00:05:23,950 The jov imar sar trineberšengero iľa e lavutici andro vast the cirdelas, cirdelas. 66 00:05:24,330 --> 00:05:27,130 Amen trine khere bašavahas, sar kapela. 67 00:05:27,130 --> 00:05:31,790 Na ča sar kapela, aľe le čhavenca, ľigenavas len, sikhavas len o giľa. 68 00:05:31,820 --> 00:05:35,360 Cvičinenas, romane, hungriko, slovačiko. 69 00:05:36,170 --> 00:05:38,800 The o noti jekhetanes cvičinahas. 70 00:05:39,210 --> 00:05:47,370 The jov adaj amenca barolas the akanakes oda andre leste savoro ispidňa, hoj sam naužarde. 71 00:05:47,700 --> 00:05:50,190 geľa andre škola, kaj les prihlasinďom. 72 00:05:51,150 --> 00:05:57,070 Ajsi veca pes amenge ačhiľa, hoj les odoj probaľinenas pro primački, tapšos, ajso tempos. 73 00:05:57,820 --> 00:06:01,950 The probaľinelas les o direktoris, o raj Kakaščík. 74 00:06:02,570 --> 00:06:07,870 The na hoj jov leske delas tempos, aľe o Samkus les probaľinelas, sostar samas hotova. 75 00:06:08,830 --> 00:06:11,160 Savore pen odoj asanas. 76 00:06:11,520 --> 00:06:16,810 Ile les, mek na džanelas aňi te lekhavel, te genel imar sikhľiľa. 77 00:06:18,380 --> 00:06:23,210 Samas naužarde, hoj ada berš leske avka lačhes džal. 78 00:06:23,280 --> 00:06:26,130 The lačhi sikhľarďi les sas, oda bazutňipen, 79 00:06:26,130 --> 00:06:28,800 hoj lačhi sikhľarďi les ľigenelas. 80 00:06:29,360 --> 00:06:31,630 Andro elšino beršipen les sas ajse koncerti, 81 00:06:31,690 --> 00:06:34,960 sas les elšino koncertos, aver koncertos, sikhľiľa. 82 00:06:35,800 --> 00:06:38,830 Pre suťaža leha phirahas jekhetanes la romňaha. 83 00:06:38,850 --> 00:06:43,100 Mindig leha musaj te phirel. 84 00:06:45,020 --> 00:06:49,180 Amenge bijo leste phares, avka sam sikhade cikňibnestar. 85 00:06:51,040 --> 00:06:55,640 Agorisarďa arťikaňi škola, 86 00:06:55,720 --> 00:06:58,330 akanakes džal pro konzervatoriste Kašate. 87 00:06:58,580 --> 00:07:01,550 So sam but bachtale, 88 00:07:02,670 --> 00:07:05,940 hoj imar džal andro konzervatorijum. 89 00:07:07,980 --> 00:07:13,040 O sikhľarde peske les mangenas, lekhavenas amenge, vičinenas amenge, či čačes avela. 90 00:07:13,040 --> 00:07:16,680 Ke kaste, me les kamav, den les ke mande. 91 00:07:16,920 --> 00:07:19,090 The phenďom leske, mi peske kidel avri o Samkus, 92 00:07:19,170 --> 00:07:21,600 ke kaste kamel te džal, oda pre leste. 93 00:07:22,120 --> 00:07:26,050 The avrikidňa peske jekhe but lačhes profesoris. 94 00:07:27,040 --> 00:07:34,330 The paťav, hoj lestar kerela mek feder, sar hino Samkus akanakes, akor dikhaha. 95 00:07:35,040 --> 00:07:35,920 Ke oda slugaďipen. 96 00:07:35,920 --> 00:07:41,550 Avľom andro bazutno slugaďiko solgaľipen the odoj sas slugaďiko suboris. 97 00:07:42,110 --> 00:07:44,440 Slugaďiko arťikano suboris odoj sas. 98 00:07:44,600 --> 00:07:48,690 Khelenas, giľavenas the cimbalovka, orchestros odoj musaj te avel. 99 00:07:49,540 --> 00:07:53,330 The odoj pen čerinenas, pal beršeste oddžanas andro civilos 100 00:07:53,460 --> 00:07:56,110 the avle neve, kampelas te zaterďol oda than. 101 00:07:56,110 --> 00:07:59,280 Kana sas kampeľišagutno cimbalistas, akor samas duj cimbalisti. 102 00:07:59,370 --> 00:08:03,480 The kana sas trin, akor trin. 103 00:08:04,040 --> 00:08:10,540 E bari bugova amen na sas, amen musaj te lel avres, so sas aver rotatar. 104 00:08:11,160 --> 00:08:15,560 Scirdňam les ke peste, bašavelas pre basgitara the akor les sikhaďam te bašavel pre bari bugova. 105 00:08:15,630 --> 00:08:19,860 Mi amen hin iloandre oda suboris, odi kapela. 106 00:08:21,920 --> 00:08:27,240 Vašoda odoj odi cimbalovka sas, bo oda sas slugaďiko arťikano suboris. 107 00:08:27,530 --> 00:08:31,520 Varekana sas the o Slovkoncert, oda sas agentura. 108 00:08:32,080 --> 00:08:37,210 Bičhavenas amen, ko priklados pre trin čhona andro Tatri te bašavel. 109 00:08:37,450 --> 00:08:39,690 Le naprindžarde lavutarenca. 110 00:08:40,570 --> 00:08:45,280 Na prindžarahas amen, amen zgeľam dži pro thaneste 111 00:08:45,730 --> 00:08:48,300 the imar jekhetanes buťarahas. 112 00:08:50,970 --> 00:08:52,520 Bašavahas Perješiste. 113 00:08:53,840 --> 00:08:58,520 The odoj sas jekh reštauracija, kaj bašavelas romaňi kapela. 114 00:08:59,360 --> 00:09:03,160 Kašate andro Dargov sas koliba. 115 00:09:03,320 --> 00:09:07,260 The odoj amen zgeľam le naprindžarde lavutarenca. 116 00:09:08,460 --> 00:09:11,980 Paľis oda dopeľa avka, hoj man imar oda na bavinelas. 117 00:09:13,420 --> 00:09:15,420 The kana mire murša imar barile avri, 118 00:09:15,620 --> 00:09:18,060 the phenďom, probaľinas oda te sthovel jekhetanes, 119 00:09:18,460 --> 00:09:22,440 te sthovel peskeri kapela, hoj sar amenge oda džala. 120 00:09:23,070 --> 00:09:26,480 The zachudňa oda avka, hoj zachudňam 121 00:09:26,480 --> 00:09:31,880 le elšino avrisikhavibneha ke tumende andro pustikano kher. 122 00:09:32,280 --> 00:09:35,690 So ľikerav goďate, le Samkuste na džanav keci sas berša. 123 00:09:36,400 --> 00:09:41,770 The imar odoj zachudňa te bašavel amenca trin štar giľa pre lavuta. 124 00:09:43,620 --> 00:09:45,480 The avka oda džalas sikra sikrate. 125 00:09:45,630 --> 00:09:51,040 Dikhľam, hoj pes oda del, imar na darahas, lahas aver giľa. 126 00:09:51,160 --> 00:09:54,970 Vičinenas amen pre ajse avrisikhavibena, festivala. 127 00:09:54,970 --> 00:09:58,570 Perješiste ačhel dojekh berš romano festivalos, 128 00:09:58,620 --> 00:10:03,150 the odoj samas sako berš vičinde, sar kapela Ďusi Band. 129 00:10:03,800 --> 00:10:07,660 Hin amen nahrajindo the elšino CD. 130 00:10:08,930 --> 00:10:10,730 Odpheňibena sas but lačhe, 131 00:10:10,830 --> 00:10:15,650 musaj te bičhavel CD dži andro USA, odarik amendar mangenas. 132 00:10:16,260 --> 00:10:20,670 The samas naužarde, hoj hino ajso interesos pal amari muzikate. 133 00:10:21,310 --> 00:10:29,620 Akanakes amen anglunes vičinen pro festivali the Roma the gadže. 134 00:10:30,860 --> 00:10:35,370 Akor dikhaha, kamas the dureder te džal anglal amari muzikaha. 135 00:10:35,370 --> 00:10:39,370 Romane giľa 136 00:10:39,480 --> 00:10:44,970 Ke amende oda džal avka, hoj buterutnones the me lenge leperav 137 00:10:45,210 --> 00:10:48,760 ola phureder romane giľa, so mange peren goďate. 138 00:10:49,560 --> 00:10:54,780 Varekana o manuš pre oda the bisterela, aľe dojekhvar mange peren ajse dumi. 139 00:10:55,210 --> 00:11:00,300 Kana mange perel goďate varesavi phuri giľi, akor lenge probaľinav te sikhavel. 140 00:11:00,300 --> 00:11:02,970 Vaj varekhaj arakhaha odi giľi, 141 00:11:02,970 --> 00:11:06,620 aj la sako šunel, kana pes del mek te arakhel. 142 00:11:07,420 --> 00:11:15,300 Aľe paľis buterutnones amen hin neve, the peskeri giľi imar nahrajinďam. 143 00:11:16,400 --> 00:11:19,970 The andro videoklipos hiňi, savo amenge korkore kerďam. 144 00:11:20,700 --> 00:11:26,880 Buterutnones o Samkus peske gindinel hoj del varesave aranžmani. 145 00:11:27,290 --> 00:11:30,890 Sthovkeras oda, probaľinas, sar oda hangosaľol. 146 00:11:30,890 --> 00:11:35,520 Kana oda amenge pačisaľol, mukhas amenge, kana na, čerinas vareso, prikeras. 147 00:11:37,040 --> 00:11:39,530 Aľe buterutnones ole phure romane giľendar. 148 00:11:39,630 --> 00:11:46,010 The Hungrikatar, hungrika giľa hine but šukar, ajse interesiko, melodikane. 149 00:11:47,000 --> 00:11:50,190 The akor oda amen cirdel ke oleste. 150 00:11:50,540 --> 00:11:54,490 Miri cimbala 151 00:11:54,880 --> 00:11:58,620 Miri cimbala hiňi Rumuňjatar. 152 00:11:59,310 --> 00:12:03,690 Oda hino rumuňiko sthovibnardo, hin les the peskero cajchos, Aurel. 153 00:12:04,730 --> 00:12:06,490 Me man dochudňom ke leste avka, 154 00:12:06,800 --> 00:12:12,830 hoj dromarahas Angľijate pre jekh binaveskero ačhiben. 155 00:12:13,710 --> 00:12:18,510 The kana sar amen odoj hin sphandľipena, prindžarde lavutaren, 156 00:12:18,940 --> 00:12:21,470 akor amen dovakerďam avka, hoj na musaj Perješistar, 157 00:12:21,470 --> 00:12:23,360 andal ajso duripnestar, te anel cimbala. 158 00:12:23,360 --> 00:12:26,750 Hoj jon amenge odoj dena kečeň, odarik. 159 00:12:29,240 --> 00:12:35,050 Lokes mange pačisaľinďa, hoj les hin lačho hangos, bašavel, hino lačho. 160 00:12:36,680 --> 00:12:42,120 The visarduno dromeha la cinďom the anďam la Perješiste, Slovakijate. 161 00:12:42,350 --> 00:12:47,840 The avka pes dochudňa ke mande, Belgijatar aľe avristhovibnardo hino rumuňiko. 162 00:12:48,990 --> 00:12:52,780 The hin amen the aver cimbali, avibneste Hungrikatar. 163 00:12:53,260 --> 00:12:57,340 Akor nane amen ča oda jekh, hin amen buter. 164 00:12:58,730 --> 00:13:01,100 The kana sar o čhavo sikhľol pre cimbala, 165 00:13:01,180 --> 00:13:04,170 the akanakes peske cinďa nevo perdal objednavkate Hungrikatar, 166 00:13:04,460 --> 00:13:08,760 mi les avel lačho inštrumentos, akor hin amen buter. 167 00:13:09,550 --> 00:13:14,300 Bizo, elšinestar kampel te cvičinel, te sikhľol. 168 00:13:14,360 --> 00:13:18,830 Avka, sar dojekh inštrumentos te džanel. 169 00:13:19,440 --> 00:13:21,540 Kana imar hine o vasta sikhade, 170 00:13:22,090 --> 00:13:26,320 imar oda nane problemaos, hoj, kaj, sar oda te rozthovel. 171 00:13:27,040 --> 00:13:32,760 The pro klaviris pes musaj te sikhľol te thovel o angušta, hoj kaj oda te thovel, ola klapki. 172 00:13:33,660 --> 00:13:37,050 Dojekh inštrumentoste hin peskero, the pre cimbala oda avka džal. 173 00:13:37,820 --> 00:13:41,320 Elšines musaj te sikhľol oda anguštengero thoviben 174 00:13:41,970 --> 00:13:43,560 the paľis oda nane problemos. 175 00:13:43,820 --> 00:13:47,760 Tradikaňi romaňi muzika 176 00:13:48,060 --> 00:13:50,300 Me šunav avka, odi cimbalakeri muzika, 177 00:13:50,300 --> 00:13:55,650 hoj akanakes andre odi tradikaňi romaňi cimbalovka 178 00:13:55,810 --> 00:13:59,550 la muzikake maloko kamel te džal dureder. 179 00:14:00,260 --> 00:14:02,410 Hoj oda polokes imar našľol. 180 00:14:02,670 --> 00:14:07,040 Aľe som naužardo hoj romane cimbalakere kapeli 181 00:14:07,280 --> 00:14:11,850 bašaven pre dojekh mulatšagos, sako kurko. 182 00:14:11,900 --> 00:14:14,910 Bo phirkerav le gadženca. 183 00:14:15,310 --> 00:14:18,330 The mek sako sombat bašavas o bijav, gadžikano. 184 00:14:18,440 --> 00:14:22,320 The odoj hin telethoďipen, mi odoj bašavel cimbalovka. 185 00:14:22,350 --> 00:14:23,940 The som naužardo, 186 00:14:24,300 --> 00:14:30,000 hoj o gadže oda kamen, hoj oda džal, durisaľol oda. 187 00:14:30,080 --> 00:14:32,910 Mek jekhvar oda buchľarde, 188 00:14:32,910 --> 00:14:36,140 hoj na kamen elektronikaňi muzika. 189 00:14:36,760 --> 00:14:38,440 Radeder penge lena cimbalovki. 190 00:14:38,980 --> 00:14:42,750 The ke amende, Romende, vičinen amen 191 00:14:42,750 --> 00:14:45,410 the hine the trin kapeli pro jekh mulatšagos. 192 00:14:45,920 --> 00:14:50,280 Kamen the andro kanoro te bašavel, lavutici, cimbala. 193 00:14:50,730 --> 00:14:57,580 Vičinen amen, akanakes oda imar feder, sar oda sas anglal duje beršende. 194 00:14:58,730 --> 00:15:00,960 Aľe džal oda polokes. 195 00:15:01,710 --> 00:15:03,800 Varekana, kana adaj sas amare dada le dajenca, 196 00:15:03,840 --> 00:15:06,890 oda našťi sas mulatšagos, kana bi na sas e cimbalovka. 197 00:15:06,930 --> 00:15:10,780 Na musaj te jel cimbala, lavuta, bare bugova, brača. 198 00:15:11,930 --> 00:15:13,290 Roma, aven amenge te bašavel. 199 00:15:13,370 --> 00:15:14,920 The ko gadžende phirenas, 200 00:15:15,480 --> 00:15:19,800 varekana odoj na sas ajse kapeli, ča lavuta, cimbala. 201 00:15:20,030 --> 00:15:24,120 Amen the romaňi čhib. 202 00:15:24,360 --> 00:15:29,020 Bizo, hoj džanav romanes, kana sam Roma, akor musaj te džanel. 203 00:15:29,770 --> 00:15:35,820 Ča amare terne manuša vakeren buterutnones imar ča gadžikanes. 204 00:15:35,820 --> 00:15:39,820 Khere lenca romanes na vakeras, ča slovačikones. 205 00:15:40,530 --> 00:15:45,930 Aľe achaľon, me vakerav, e romňi vakerel, miro dad la daha vakeren. 206 00:15:47,220 --> 00:15:49,330 The mire phure papi vakerenas. 207 00:15:49,690 --> 00:15:53,580 Plani dži tajsaskero kotereste 208 00:15:53,680 --> 00:15:57,940 Imar leperavas, hoj jekhsigeder džas te kerel aver CD. 209 00:15:58,860 --> 00:16:03,470 The mindig te avel ale dženenca, mek buchľaras kapela. 210 00:16:03,760 --> 00:16:06,920 Imar amen hin buchľarďi kapela. 211 00:16:07,340 --> 00:16:12,720 The te bašavel pre avresave ačhibnende, anglunes ola festivali amen interesinen. 212 00:16:13,260 --> 00:16:16,360 Bo odoj pes o manuš presikhavela pro podijoste. 213 00:16:17,890 --> 00:16:23,690 Feder amen o manuša zadikhen, kana sam pro podijoste, sar paš mulatšagoste. 214 00:16:24,030 --> 00:16:26,830 Odoj pes bašavel, giľavel, khelel. 215 00:16:28,090 --> 00:16:29,880 Pedal amende hin feder te bašavel pro festivaloste. 216 00:16:30,140 --> 00:16:33,900 Hin amen but ajse vičiňibena. 217 00:16:33,940 --> 00:16:37,230 Sam rado, hoj amen akanakes o manuša zachudne te zadikhel. 218 00:16:38,650 --> 00:16:41,770 The hoj kamen te šunel amari muzika.