created: 23. 11. 2022 10:55 modified: 23. 11. 2022 10:59
Maľba zobrazuje štyroch psov na dvore. Autorom je Jakub Popoša, maľbu vytvoril vo veku 11 rokov, keď navštevoval Základnú školu v Jarovniciach, (Jarovnice č. 192). Maľba je na výkrese formátu A3, vznikla v roku 2018.
Na zadnej strane výkresu je štítok s identifikačnými údajmi o škole, autorovi a názve maľby v anglickom jazyku.
Škola je známa tým, že za výtvarné práce získala mnohé ocenenia doma aj v zahraničí (India, Japonsko, Portugalsko, USA, Česká republika, Maďarsko, Slovinsko, Severné Macedónsko, Švédsko, Nórsko, Fínsko, Irán a.i.). Žiakov vedie učiteľ Mgr. Ján Sajko. Samostatne vystavovali v mnohých mestách, ako napríklad Washington D.C., Boston, Palm Beach, Hannover, Štrasburg, Brusel, Graz, Varšava, Viedeň, Praha, Budapešť, Krakov, Bratislava, Košice, Martin, Prešov, Sabinov. Malí autori pochádzajú zo sociálne znevýhodneného prostredia, väčšinou z rómskej osady v obci Jarovnice.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jakub Popuša general audience internal
A Farmyard
created: 22. 11. 2022 12:26 modified: 23. 11. 2022 10:43
The painting is the image of the animals in the farmyard. The combined technique on the sheet of paper, size A3. The author is Jozef Kaleja, a 14-year-old pupil of the Jarovnice Elementary School no. 192.
On the back of the drawing there is a label with identifying information about the school, the artist and the name of the painting in English.
The school is known for the fact that it has won many awards at home and abroad for the artistic works of the pupils (India, Japan, Portugal, USA, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iran, etc.). Pupils are taught by the teacher Mgr. Jan Sajko. They exhibited independently in many cities, such as Washington D.C., Boston, Palm Beach, Hanover, Strasbourg, Brussels, Graz, Warsaw, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Krakow, Bratislava, Košice, Martin, Prešov, Sabinov. The young authors come from a socially disadvantaged environment, mostly from the Romani settlement in the village of Jarovnice.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jozef Kaleja general audience internal
A Girl with a Cat
created: 22. 11. 2022 11:10 modified: 23. 11. 2022 10:44
Girl with a Cat is a stylized portrait of a girl holding a cat in her arms, it is a watercolor painting on the sheet of drawing paper of the A3 size. The author is Milan Kaleja, born on May 14, 2001 in Jarovnice, Sabinov district. The painting was created in 2015, when the author was a pupil of Class VIII.A of the Primary School in Jarovnice (Jarovnice No. 192).
On the back of the drawing there is a label with identifying information about the school, the artist and the name of the painting in English.
The school is known for the fact that it has won many awards at home and abroad for the artistic works of the pupils (India, Japan, Portugal, USA, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iran, etc.). Pupils are taught by the teacher Mgr. Jan Sajko. They exhibited independently in many cities, such as Washington D.C., Boston, Palm Beach, Hanover, Strasbourg, Brussels, Graz, Warsaw, Vienna, Prague, Budapest, Krakow, Bratislava, Košice, Martin, Prešov, Sabinov. The young authors come from a socially disadvantaged environment, mostly from the Romani settlement in the village of Jarovnice.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Milan Kaleja general audience internal
created: 06. 09. 2022 13:52 modified: 06. 09. 2022 13:55
The author of the painting is the painter Jozef Fečo. The painting is a part of the 11-pieces collection of pictures covering the events of the Romani Holocaust. The author found the inspiration in the literary work of Elena Lacková, specifically in her novel The Dead Never Return. The collection was created with support of the stipend provided by the Fund for Minorities’ Culture Development SR.
The author adds the description of the painting by the quoting the novel:
“Men, exhausted from sleepless night and constant hunger struggled to line up; the procession of black heads set out marching through Prešov. Like a black snake it moved from the main square to the train station. Poor people expressed their sorry for Roma, some of them even having tears in their eyes. But there were others who began shouting: Look, Gypsies are coming! They already lead the Gypsies! They will make them into rubber and soap!
Such words etched deeply into the souls of the marching Romanies.“
Jozef Fečo is a graduate of the Secondary Art School in Prešov, majoring in design and artistic wood shaping. He is primarily interested in the facial expressions of human faces, their expressive value and typical personality traits. For the State Science Library in Prešov, he created a series of 23 large-format paintings in 2015 and 2019 called Unknown Colours of Personalities.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jozef Fečo general audience internal
created: 06. 09. 2022 13:44 modified: 06. 09. 2022 13:50
The author of the painting is the painter Jozef Fečo. The painting is a part of the 11-pieces collection of pictures covering the events of the Romani Holocaust. The author found the inspiration in the literary work of Elena Lacková, specifically in her novel The Dead Never Return. The collection was created with support of the stipend provided by the Fund for Minorities’ Culture Development SR.
The author adds the description of the painting by the quoting the novel:
In the morning, the door opened and a gendarme was standing there wide stance, a pickaxe in his hand. With a smirk on his face he roars: “Get up, stinkers! Get up!“ Then he twisted his face in disgust and spat: “What a stench, dogs. Everyone out, in front of the barracks. Understood, bastards?”
Men were coming out of other barracks as well. Lajko’s heart was beating furiously. Not sure what to expect he looked around. The headman of the station stood before them and began: “You are convicts under the law. You’re to do forced labor. Meaning you’re to build the railway from Prešov to Strážske. The railway is the absolute must for the German army’s victorious fight! Whoever breaks the rules of work or try to escape the camp will be sent to a court. Rest assured, we are allowed to deliver severe punishments. That’s what the Slovak law says! To violate it is tantamount to suicide.”
Jozef Fečo is a graduate of the Secondary Art School in Prešov, majoring in design and artistic wood shaping. He is primarily interested in the facial expressions of human faces, their expressive value and typical personality traits. For the State Science Library in Prešov, he created a series of 23 large-format paintings in 2015 and 2019 called Unknown Colours of Personalities.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jozef Fečo general audience internal
The Escape
created: 06. 09. 2022 13:42 modified: 06. 09. 2022 13:43
The author of the painting is the painter Jozef Fečo. The painting is a part of the 11-pieces collection of pictures covering the events of the Romani Holocaust. The author found the inspiration in the literary work of Elena Lacková, specifically in her novel The Dead Never Return. The collection was created with support of the stipend provided by the Fund for Minorities’ Culture Development SR.
The author adds the description of the painting by the quoting the novel:
“Where to go? Lajko came to a decision: they must run so that they wouldn’t be caught right there. They started crossing the field, all the while keenly searching their surroundings. They ran to the tiny river. The water splashed calmly over the stones. Morning birdsong rang out from the willows and alders. They even heard a nightingale trilling. Oh, how they envied the little birds their freedom!
They managed to reach the forest, where their huts were visible on the hill."
Jozef Fečo is a graduate of the Secondary Art School in Prešov, majoring in design and artistic wood shaping. He is primarily interested in the facial expressions of human faces, their expressive value and typical personality traits. For the State Science Library in Prešov, he created a series of 23 large-format paintings in 2015 and 2019 called Unknown Colours of Personalities.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jozef Fečo general audience internal
Concentration Camp
created: 06. 09. 2022 13:38 modified: 06. 09. 2022 13:39
The author of the painting is the painter Jozef Fečo. The painting is a part of the 11-pieces collection of pictures covering the events of the Romani Holocaust. The author found the inspiration in the literary work of Elena Lacková, specifically in her novel The Dead Never Return. The collection was created with support of the stipend provided by the Fund for Minorities’ Culture Development SR.
The author adds the description of the painting by the quoting the novel:
"A freight train was standing at the railway station. The last car was open and in front of it was an armed SS man. The policeman spoke to him, he knew German, and then moved Jenko and Šarika to him. The SS man saluted and shouted: Heil Hitler!
Jenko and Šarika got into the carriage and the door slammed shut behind them. The terrible stench of sweat and excrement hit them fully. Men, women and children were crowded together like animals."
Jozef Fečo is a graduate of the Secondary Art School in Prešov, majoring in design and artistic wood shaping. He is primarily interested in the facial expressions of human faces, their expressive value and typical personality traits. For the State Science Library in Prešov, he created a series of 23 large-format paintings in 2015 and 2019 called Unknown Colours of Personalities.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jozef Fečo general audience internal
Death Sentence
created: 06. 09. 2022 13:30 modified: 06. 09. 2022 13:33
The author of the painting is the painter Jozef Fečo. The painting is a part of the 11-pieces collection of pictures covering the events of the Romani Holocaust. The author found the inspiration in the literary work of Elena Lacková, specifically in her novel The Dead Never Return. The collection was created with support of the stipend provided by the Fund for Minorities’ Culture Development SR.
The author adds the description of the painting by the quoting the novel:
"The SS soldiers began laughing and yelling: Banditen! Partisanen! They caught everyone who managed to run from the tight circle of soldiers. While one group drove the Roma into the huts, the other group doused them with gasoline and then set the settlement to fire. Oh, horror upon horror!
Feri shouted: Why shall we die like cattle? We are people! Aren’t you afraid of God? Taking so many lives! Flames erupted from the huts. Human roars and cries rang out from them. Men pounded on the doors, on the walls, pressed to the small windows and begged for mercy. All in vain.
As the smoke thickened with the smell of burnt flesh and bones, some of the guards’ stomachs churned. They vomited. The SS commander roared: This is how I will eliminate all inferior and degraded races! We, the Germans, have lit a cleansing fire and will rid the world of filth!"
Jozef Fečo is a graduate of the Secondary Art School in Prešov, majoring in design and artistic wood shaping. He is primarily interested in the facial expressions of human faces, their expressive value and typical personality traits. For the State Science Library in Prešov, he created a series of 23 large-format paintings in 2015 and 2019 called Unknown Colours of Personalities.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jozef Fečo general audience internal
Search for Justice
created: 06. 09. 2022 13:27 modified: 06. 09. 2022 13:29
The author of the painting is the painter Jozef Fečo. The painting is a part of the 11-pieces collection of pictures covering the events of the Romani Holocaust. The author found the inspiration in the literary work of Elena Lacková, specifically in her novel The Dead Never Return. The collection was created with support of the stipend provided by the Fund for Minorities’ Culture Development SR.
The author adds the description of the painting by the quoting the novel:
„Before she left, Estera glared at the chairman with eyes full of hatred. She grabbed Julko’s hand and walked out the door. After she left, the chairman informed his staff about the Estera’s complaint and ordered them to ignore the accusation completely.
When Esther left the building, she stroked Julko's hair with a shaking hand. Disappointed and distressed, she told him: You see, Julko, we Gypsies never claim our truth!
Estera left the building, she stroked Julko’s head with a shaking hand. Disappointed and distressed, she told him: See, Julko, we Gypsies never get justice.
And this is how it stayed since.
After liberation, the Roma never complained about their tyrants and murderers, because they knew very well that it would be in vain. To this day, no one has rehabilitated them for their suffering, injustice, wasted lives and destruction of property."
Jozef Fečo is a graduate of the Secondary Art School in Prešov, majoring in design and artistic wood shaping. He is primarily interested in the facial expressions of human faces, their expressive value and typical personality traits. For the State Science Library in Prešov, he created a series of 23 large-format paintings in 2015 and 2019 called Unknown Colours of Personalities.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jozef Fečo general audience internal
To a Forced Labour Camp
created: 06. 09. 2022 13:23 modified: 06. 09. 2022 13:24
The author of the painting is the painter Jozef Fečo. The painting is a part of the 11-pieces collection of pictures covering the events of the Romani Holocaust. The author found the inspiration in the literary work of Elena Lacková, specifically in her novel The Dead Never Return. The collection was created with support of the stipend provided by the Fund for Minorities’ Culture Development SR.
The author provides description of the painting by the quoting from the novel:
"The women, who understood that they wanted to take their men away, began to wail. They were rolling on the ground in despair, tearing their hair. Don't take our men, don't take them from us! We'll die without them, they cried."
Jozef Fečo is a graduate of the Secondary Art School in Prešov, majoring in design and artistic wood shaping. He is primarily interested in the facial expressions of human faces, their expressive value and typical personality traits. For the State Science Library in Prešov, he created a series of 23 large-format paintings in 2015 and 2019 called Unknown Colours of Personalities.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jozef Fečo general audience internal