Róbert Rigó - The Stand for Vegetables
created: 14. 01. 2022 10:20 modified: 14. 01. 2022 10:30
The author of the stand is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The stand was photographed in 2014 during the European Roma Blacksmithing Symposium. "This is a stand for either vegetables or fruits. It's not used much here. About ten years ago, we set up an American residence and there was a kitchen. We made large stands that were on the floor, but also smaller ones that were on the table." said R. Rigó.
Róbert Rigó is an artistic blacksmith from Dunajská Lužná. Hand-forged items come from his blacksmith shop and the Hephaeston blacksmith shop. From small candlesticks to large railings or dominant gates. They can be found all over Slovakia and in many countries around the world.
Róbert Rigó focuses on traditional works with an effort to preserve old Romani blacksmith motifs and techniques.
He is the chairman of OZ Charťikano, which organizes an event called the European Roma Forging Symposium.
In the past, Dunajská Lužná was called the Iron Village. The blacksmith craft has a tradition of more than 300 years and to this day there is the largest number of blacksmith workshops in the whole of Slovakia.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal
Róbert Rigó - The Bouquet
created: 14. 01. 2022 10:00 modified: 14. 01. 2022 10:04
The author of The Bouquet is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The Bouquet was photographed in 2014 during the European Roma Forging Symposium. "We made such bouquets for our customers in Italy. First they supplied us with their designs and semi-finished products from which we were to make it. Later we offered them our quality blacksmith's product and then they only wanted those," said R. Rigó.
Róbert Rigó is an artistic blacksmith from Dunajská Lužná. Hand-forged items come from his blacksmith shop and the Hephaeston blacksmith shop. From small candlesticks to large railings or dominant gates. They can be found all over Slovakia and in many countries around the world.
Róbert Rigó focuses on traditional works with an effort to preserve old Romani blacksmith motifs and techniques.
He is the chairman of OZ Charťikano, which organizes an event called the European Roma Forging Symposium.
In the past, Dunajská Lužná was called the Iron Village. The blacksmith craft has a tradition of more than 300 years and to this day there is the largest number of blacksmith workshops in the whole of Slovakia.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal
Róbert Rigó - The Chair for Terrace
created: 14. 01. 2022 09:46 modified: 14. 01. 2022 09:47
The author of the chair is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The chair was photographed in 2014 during the European Roma Forging Symposium. "These chairs can be seen in the historical part of Bratislava in various restaurants and cafes. This chair was sought our and ordered by entrepreneurs for their summer terraces. The load capacity of the chair is 200 kilograms," said R. Rigó.
Róbert Rigó is an artistic blacksmith from Dunajská Lužná. Hand-forged items come from his blacksmith shop and the Hephaeston blacksmith shop. From small candlesticks to large railings or dominant gates. They can be found all over Slovakia and in many countries around the world.
Róbert Rigó focuses on traditional works with an effort to preserve old Romani blacksmith motifs and techniques.
He is the chairman of OZ Charťikano, which organizes an event called the European Roma Forging Symposium.
In the past, Dunajská Lužná was called the Iron Village. The blacksmith craft has a tradition of more than 300 years and to this day there is the largest number of blacksmith workshops in the whole of Slovakia.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal
Róbert Rigó - The Chair in Chocolaterie
created: 14. 01. 2022 09:38 modified: 14. 01. 2022 09:38
The author of the chair is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The chair was photographed in 2014 during the European Roma Forging Symposium. "These chairs can be seen in the historical part of Bratislava in various restaurants and cafes. This chair is just below Michalská brána in the chocolate factory," said R. Rigó.
Róbert Rigó is an artistic blacksmith from Dunajská Lužná. Hand-forged items come from his blacksmith shop and the Hephaeston blacksmith shop. From small candlesticks to large railings or dominant gates. They can be found all over Slovakia and in many countries around the world.
Róbert Rigó focuses on traditional works with an effort to preserve old Romani blacksmith motifs and techniques.
He is the chairman of OZ Charťikano, which organizes an event called the European Roma Forging Symposium.
In the past, Dunajská Lužná was called the Iron Village. The blacksmith craft has a tradition of more than 300 years and to this day there is the largest number of blacksmith workshops in the whole of Slovakia.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal
Róbert Rigó - A Chair
created: 14. 01. 2022 09:01 modified: 14. 01. 2022 09:03
Autorom stoličky je rómsky kováč Róbert Rigó z Dunajskej Lužnej. Stolička bola bola nafotená v roku 2014 počas podujatia Európske Rómske kováčske sympózium. "Tieto stoličky môžeme vidieť v historickej časti Bratislavy v rôznych reštauráciách a kaviarňach. Táto stolička je hneď pod hradom v rybárskej reštaurácii," povedal R. Rigó.
Róbert Rigó je umelecký kováč z Dunajskej Lužnej. Z jeho kováčskej dielne a Kováčstva Hefaiston pochádzajú ručne kované predmety. Od malých svietnikov po rozmerné zábradlia či dominantné brány. Možno ich nájsť po celom Slovensku i v mnohých krajinách po svete.
Róbert Rigó sa zameriava na tradičnú tvorbu so snahou zachovať staré rómske kováčske motívy a techniky.
Je predsedom OZ Charťikano, ktoré organizuje podujatie s názvom Európske rómske kováčske sympózium.
Dunajskej Lužnej sa v minulosti hovorilo Železná dedina. Kováčske remeslo tu má vyše 300 ročnú tradíciu a dodnes je tu najväčší počet kováčskych dielní v rámci celého Slovenska.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal
Róbert Rigó - A Flower Stand
created: 13. 01. 2022 15:19 modified: 13. 01. 2022 15:19
The author of the flower stand is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The stand was photographed in 2014 during the European Roma Forging Symposium. "I have been making things for export to Italy and France since 1991. This is a stand that can be used for flowers, a night lamp. Basically everything that can be placed on it. It is possible to enlarge the iron ring, or you can put a wooden circle on top, "said R. Rigó.
Róbert Rigó is an artistic blacksmith from Dunajská Lužná. Hand-forged items come from his blacksmith shop and the Hephaeston blacksmith shop. From small candlesticks to large railings or dominant gates. They can be found all over Slovakia and in many countries around the world.
Róbert Rigó focuses on traditional works with an effort to preserve old Romani blacksmith motifs and techniques.
He is the chairman of OZ Charťikano, which organizes an event called the European Roma Forging Symposium.
In the past, Dunajská Lužná was called the Iron Village. The blacksmith craft has a tradition of more than 300 years and to this day there is the largest number of blacksmith workshops in the whole of Slovakia.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal
Róbert Rigó - A Candlestick for Two Candles
created: 13. 01. 2022 15:14 modified: 13. 01. 2022 15:15
The author of the candlestick is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The candlestick was photographed in 2014 during the European Roma Forging Symposium. "This candlestick is interesting with this knot. A lot of customers, when they come to us, ask us how we did it. It's done when the material is hot. It's hard work, but the result is so interesting," said R. Rigó.
Róbert Rigó is an artistic blacksmith from Dunajská Lužná. Hand-forged items come from his blacksmith shop and the Hephaeston blacksmith shop. From small candlesticks to large railings or dominant gates. They can be found all over Slovakia and in many countries around the world.
Róbert Rigó focuses on traditional works with an effort to preserve old Romani blacksmith motifs and techniques.
He is the chairman of OZ Charťikano, which organizes an event called the European Roma Forging Symposium.
In the past, Dunajská Lužná was called the Iron Village. The blacksmith craft has a tradition of more than 300 years and to this day there is the largest number of blacksmith workshops in the whole of Slovakia.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal
Róbert Rigó - A Candlestick for Three Candles
created: 13. 01. 2022 15:04 modified: 13. 01. 2022 15:05
The author of the candlestick is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The candlestick was photographed in 2014 during the European Roma Forging Symposium. "This candlestick is interesting with this knot. A lot of customers, when they come to us, ask us how we did it. It's done when the material is hot. It's hard work, but the result is so interesting," said R. Rigó.
Róbert Rigó is an artistic blacksmith from Dunajská Lužná. Hand-forged items come from his blacksmith shop and the Hephaeston blacksmith shop. From small candlesticks to large railings or dominant gates. They can be found all over Slovakia and in many countries around the world.
Róbert Rigó focuses on traditional works with an effort to preserve old Romani blacksmith motifs and techniques.
He is the chairman of OZ Charťikano, which organizes an event called the European Roma Forging Symposium.
In the past, Dunajská Lužná was called the Iron Village. The blacksmith craft has a tradition of more than 300 years and to this day there is the largest number of blacksmith workshops in the whole of Slovakia.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal
Róbert Rigó - A Candelstick with A Rose
created: 13. 01. 2022 14:40 modified: 13. 01. 2022 14:40
The candlestick with a Romani wheel and a rose was forged in 2014. The author is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The dominant element on the candlestick is the Roma wheel as a symbol of the Roma. The candlestick was photographed in 2014 during the European Roma Forging Symposium. "Whoever comes, likes it. It's such a small thing, it's affordable and everyone buys it," said R. Rigó.
Róbert Rigó is an artistic blacksmith from Dunajská Lužná. Hand-forged items come from his blacksmith shop and the Hephaeston blacksmith shop. From small candlesticks to large railings or dominant gates. They can be found all over Slovakia and in many countries around the world.
Róbert Rigó focuses on traditional works with an effort to preserve old Romani blacksmith motifs and techniques.
He is the chairman of OZ Charťikano, which organizes an event called the European Roma Forging Symposium.
In the past, Dunajská Lužná was called the Iron Village. The blacksmith craft has a tradition of more than 300 years and to this day there is the largest number of blacksmith workshops in the whole of Slovakia.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal
Róbert Rigó - The Candlestick with Romani Wheel
created: 13. 01. 2022 14:29 modified: 13. 01. 2022 14:30
The candlestick with a Romani wheel was forged in 2014. The author is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The dominant element on the candlestick is the Roma wheel as a symbol of the Roma. The candlestick was photographed in 2014 during the European Roma Forging Symposium.
Róbert Rigó is an artistic blacksmith from Dunajská Lužná. Hand-forged items come from his blacksmith shop and the Hephaeston blacksmith shop. From small candlesticks to large railings or dominant gates. They can be found all over Slovakia and in many countries around the world.
Róbert Rigó focuses on traditional works with an effort to preserve old Romani blacksmith motifs and techniques.
He is the chairman of OZ Charťikano, which organizes an event called the European Roma Forging Symposium.
In the past, Dunajská Lužná was called the Iron Village. The blacksmith craft has a tradition of more than 300 years and to this day there is the largest number of blacksmith workshops in the whole of Slovakia.
category: Crafts
tags: active traditional artistic metal smithery Róbert Rigó general audience internal