Adrian Balog - The Music Teacher Speaking
created: 04. 01. 2019 15:14 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
A. Balog, when interviewed, was thirty-years old qualified teacher of music. Originally from Kosice, living in Filakovo currently, the place which even before the crisis in 2008 started had become a town with high concentration of the Romani people from all over Slovakia. A. Balog is an experienced teacher teaching at the local Elementary Musical School. Beside this, he studies the opera singing at the Private Musical and Drama Conservatory in Hnusta. He speaks about his activities in the gospel band where he invites also the children from the community. Adrian Balog speaks about his family's traditions - his grandfather Zoltan Balog and his cimbalom band played the music typical for the Gemer-Malohont region. Adrian Balog in his speaking brings more information about the regional culture of the mentioned regions.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
recorded: 05. 10. 2013
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Slovak Adrián Balog general audience internal