Miroslav Rác - Porraimos
created: 20. 06. 2016 12:32 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Miroslav Rác, the pianist, the teacher on the art schools, composer, Romani hip-hopper, who composed the songs Poem A minor, Ballade in C-sharp minor and Porraimos. These three compositions were created as a tribute to the victims of Roma holocaust. Miroslav Rác, the Romani rapper who uses the stage name BG, tries to point on Romani victims of the II. World War, on people who had experienced suffering of the labour and concentration camps. The compositions were part of the musical program recorded during the World Day of Roma Holocaust - Porraimos. Presented instrumental song is called Porraimos.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
recorded: 24. 08. 2015
category: music