Renáta Kirvejová - Speaking
created: 06. 12. 2022 11:09 modified: 06. 12. 2022 11:10
Renáta Kirvejová was 50 years old at the time of the interview. She was born in Vranov nad Topľou. She got married and moved to Brekov. She talks about herself, her family and children, about the coexistence of the majority with Roma, about discrimination.
The regional history of the Roma living in the village of Brekov is the subject of the processing of audio recordings that the DICRK obtained from researcher Elena Cinová. In 2020, her research project entitled The Brekov Roma in the Flow of Time was supported by the Fund for the Support of the Culture of National Minorities. Guided interviews are in the Slovak language and introduce life, culture and social changes in the region.
Brekov is located in Eastern Slovakia about 6 km from the town of Humenné. The Laborec river flows nearby. Administratively, it belongs to the Humenné district and the Prešov Region.
category: speaking
tags: biographical monologue guided Slovak Renáta Kirvejová general audience internal