Igor Radič - Kováčska dielňa
created: 21. 07. 2020 14:11 modified: 06. 04. 2021 11:47
Igor Radič sa narodil v roku 1960 v Klenovci. Tu žije a pôsobí doteraz. Kováčske remeslo ho uchvátilo od detstva. Po ukončení odborného učilišťa sa zamestnal ako kováč v Jednotnom roľníckom družstve v Klenovci, pracoval pre štátne lesy. Remeslu ho učili starí kováčski majstri. V roku 1995 si založil živnosť, ktorú dodnes prevádzkuje. Je štatutárnym zástupcom občianskeho združenia Rómske umelecké kováčstvo. Prostredníctvom neho realizuje kováčske workshopy. Venuje sa priemyselnému i umeleckému kováčstvu. Pri práci v dielni mu pomáha jeho syn, Igor Radič ml. (1984).
Vstúpte do kováčskej dielne Igora Radiča
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author: Norbert Végh
copyright: Štátna vedecká knižnica v Prešove
category: remeslá
tags: živé tradičné umelecké kov kováčstvo slovenčina Igor Radič všeobecná verejnosť interný
Róbert Rigó - The Stand for Vegetables
The author of the stand is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The stand was photographed in 2014 during the ...
Róbert Rigó - The Bouquet
The author of The Bouquet is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The Bouquet was photographed in 2014 during ...
Róbert Rigó - The Chair for Terrace
The author of the chair is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The chair was photographed in 2014 during the ...
Róbert Rigó - The Chair in Chocolaterie
The author of the chair is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The chair was photographed in 2014 during the ...
Róbert Rigó - A Chair
Autorom stoličky je rómsky kováč Róbert Rigó z Dunajskej Lužnej. Stolička bola bola nafotená v roku 2014 počas podujatia Európske ...
Róbert Rigó - A Flower Stand
The author of the flower stand is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The stand was photographed in 2014 during ...
Róbert Rigó - A Candlestick for Two Candles
The author of the candlestick is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The candlestick was photographed in 2014 ...
Róbert Rigó - A Candlestick for Three Candles
The author of the candlestick is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The candlestick was photographed in 2014 ...
Róbert Rigó - A Candelstick with A Rose
The candlestick with a Romani wheel and a rose was forged in 2014. The author is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská ...
Róbert Rigó - The Candlestick with Romani Wheel
The candlestick with a Romani wheel was forged in 2014. The author is the Romani blacksmith Róbert Rigó from Dunajská Lužná. The ...
Róbert Rigó - Roma in Slovakia
The map of Slovakia was forged in 2014. "I wanted to forge the map before, but there was never time for that," says its author ...
Jaroslav Cicko - A Woman in Traditional Costume
The sculpture, unlike other author’s works has not the round but the sharp shapes, as it is the artistic shortened path to ...
Jaroslav Cicko - A Girl
The sculpture made of one piece of wood is a depiction of a young Romani girl with loose hair, with characteristic beads on her ...
Jaroslav Cicko - Escape
Escape (1984)
The three-piece composition of a kneeling old woman and a young mother with a baby in her arms is a sculpture made ...
Jaroslav Cicko - Mother
Mother (2000). The statue depicts a young woman - a mother with a baby in her arms. The beautiful sculpture is made of one piece ...
Ondrej Gadžor - Madona II.
The wooden sculpture depicts a female figure - the Madonna. The name is artificially created by the cataloger, as the statue does ...
Ondrej Gadžor - Madona I.
The wooden sculpture depicts a female figure - the Madonna. The name is artificially created by the cataloger, as the statue does ...
Ondrej Gadžor - A Boy
A wooden sculpture called A Boy depicts a male figure with folded arms with his head looking to the side. The figure stands on a ...
Wedge by a Wedge
The photo shows a blacksmith's artifact called the Wedge by the Wedge. These are two metal wedges, connected by forging. The ...
A Bird
The photo shows a bird made of scrap metal. The author is the artistic blacksmith Ivan Šarközy from the village Dunajská Lužná. ...
The Cross
An enlargement of the cross he created for his brother who passed away. The cross is inserted into the rock. It is a more ...
Igor Radič was born in 1960 in Klenovec. He was interested in smithing since his childhood. After finishing the vocational school, ...
Igor Radič was born in 1960 in Klenovec. He was interested in smithing since his childhood. After finishing the vocational school, ...
Digital photography of metal hand-wrought rose. The object was produced by the romani artistic blacksmith Ivan Šarközy in the ...