Roma Devlestar (Roma are God's Children) - Žaneta Štipáková, Jozef Ferko
created: 18. 03. 2020 14:37 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Ondrej Ferko is behind the composition of the Roma song Roma Devlestar. The Roma Devlestar song is a slow rom-pop song. Žaneta Štipáková sang this piece with a guitar accompaniment by Jozef Ferko at a meeting on the occasion of the World Roma Holocaust Day, as part of the Living Book project organized by the State Scientific Library in Prešov on August 24, 2016 in the Regional Museum in Hanušovce nad Topľou.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
recorded: 24. 08. 2016
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern rom-pop duet original Romani Žaneta Štipáková Jozef Ferko general audience internal
A text transcript of the audio content
O Roma Devlestar
O Roma Devlestar,
sako džanel.
O Roma roden than,
kaj te dživel.
O nipi amenge
na achaľon.
Ča rodas peskro than,
kaj te dživel.
O nipi amenge
na achaľon.
Ča roden peskro than,
kaj te dživel.
Od Boha sú Rómovia
Od Boha sú Rómovia,
to každý vie.
Rómovia hľadajú miesto,
kde môžu žiť.
Ľudia nám
Iba hľadajú miesto,
kde môžu žiť.
Ľudia nám
Iba hľadáme miesto,
kde môžeme žiť.
The Children of God
Roma are the God's children,
everyone knows.
Roma are looking for a place
where they can live.
People don't understand us.
They're just looking for a place
where they can live.
People don't understand us.
We're just looking for a place
Where we can live.