Zlatica Rusová - The Queen of Water
created: 20. 04. 2020 13:36 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Inspired by the works of the Romani writer Zlatice Rusová, the audio drama Queen of Water was created. This audiodramatization has the characteristic elements of a fairy tale, in which good and bad characters and supernaturalbeings can be found, and good wins over evil. The fairy tale is intended for both the junior and senior pupils. It isrecorded in two languages, Slovak and Romani. The aim of the editorial activities of ŠVK PO_DICRK in 2017 was tobring literature into the target group, transferring it from its written form to the verbal form. This goal was fulfilled bycreating a series of audio dramatizations. Written by Bc. Roman Goroľ, pedagogical worker and writer. The castconsists of Romani secondary schools and university students.
category: drama
tags: theater drama spoken drama radio adaptation Slovak children and youth internal
Zlatica Rusová - The Queen of Water
created: 20. 04. 2020 13:32 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Inspired by the works of the Romani writer Zlatice Rusová, the audio drama Queen of Water was created. This audio dramatization has the characteristic elements of a fairy tale, in which good and bad characters and supernatural beings can be found, and good wins over evil. The fairy tale is intended for both the junior and senior pupils. It is recorded in two languages, Slovak and Romani. The aim of the editorial activities of ŠVK PO_DICRK in 2017 was to bring literature into the target group, transferring it from its written form to the verbal form. This goal was fulfilled by creating a series of audio dramatizations. Written by Bc. Roman Goroľ, pedagogical worker and writer. The cast consists of Romani secondary schools and university students.
category: drama
tags: theater drama spoken drama radio adaptation Romani children and youth internal