Arne Mann and Elena Lacková
created: 10. 01. 2023 09:19 modified: 10. 01. 2023 09:20
Archival photo shows the Romani writer Elena Lacková and the romologist Arne Mann. The analog photograph was taken on June 12, 1998 in Košice in front of the Dargov department store in Košice. The author of the photo is not listed.
PhDr. Arne B. Mann, CSc. is a leading Slovak ethnologist-Romanist, lives in Bratislava. He graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy of the Charles University in Bratislava, majoring in ethnography (1978), PhDr. obtained in 1980 and CSc. in 1997.
He worked as a researcher at the Department of Ethnology of the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University in Bratislava and from 1983 at the Institute of Ethnology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
His scientific research is focused on the history of the Roma, including the Romani Holocaust, religious ideas of the Roma, social and spiritual culture, crafts and employment, and others.
He works as an external pedagogue at the Faculty of Arts of the Komenský University in Bratislava (1995 – present), the Faculty of Arts of the Constantin the Philosopher University in Nitra (2001 – 2009) and the Faculty of Humanities (formerly the Institute of Basic Education) of the Charles University in Prague (1998 – 2016).
Elena Lacková was born on March 22, 1921 in Veľký Šariš. She is one of the most important Romani writers. Her works were intended for both the children and adult readers. She graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of Charles University in Prague (1970). She wrote both prosaic and dramatic works. She was a lifelong activist and Romani activist. She died on January 1, 2003 in Košice.
category: fine arts
tags: secular digital artistic in persona photography Arne Mann Elena Lacková general audience internal
Elena Lacková and the Romani Band
created: 19. 12. 2022 14:10 modified: 19. 12. 2022 14:10
The photo shows the Romani writer Elena Lacková with a Romani band (the name of the band is not given) in the village of Svinia. The photo was published in issue 340-347/1998 on p. 8 for the article entitled Messengers.
The band members Ján Čikala, Alexander Polák, Daniel Bendík and Miroslav Červeňák were on the way to the village of Liptovské Sliače, where they performed at the event called Liptov Days of Mother, Sliače 98. Elena Lacková also gave a lecture at the event.
The photo was taken shortly after the devastating flood that affected the villages of Jarovnice and Svinia.
The author of the photo is not mentioned in the newspaper. Analogue photography was created in 1998 in the village of Svinia for the purpose of publication in the Romani newspaper Romano nevo ľil.
Šilanova, Daniela. 1998. Messengers. Romano nevo ľil no. 340-347/1998, p. 8.
category: fine arts
tags: secular digital artistic in persona photography Elena Lacková general audience internal