Július Lakatoš
created: 10. 01. 2023 10:45 modified: 10. 01. 2023 10:47
Photos from art workshops organized by the Civic Association Jekhetane-Spolu. Digitized analog camera film. The place,the time and photographer name were not mentioned with analog film.
The photograph was created as part of the project We Sing and Paint for Love during the workshops in Lipovce and Vyšné Ružbachy in 2001. Artworks and wooden sculptures were exhibited in several cities in Slovakia in that year and in the following years.
Július Lakatoš - an naive painter, came from the village of Selice. He started to draw the first pictures with pencil, later with tempera. Years later he started painting on canvas. Landscapes are the dominant motif of his works. He painted exclusively in the winter season and at night, when the ideas that emerged while fishing on the river Váh matured in him. He did not depict the Romani theme unless requested by the Roma museum. His dream was to paint an old Romani pero (a Romani street, ghetto) where he grew up.
RNĽ č. 384-391/1999, str.12, Róm s maliarskou paletou a štetcami
category: fine arts
tags: secular digital artistic in persona photography Július Lakatoš general audience internal