Devilish Csapash
created: 03. 08. 2017 15:18 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The theatrical premiere titled The Devilish Csapash intends to introduce to young viewers the school environment they will find when starting their schooling. As the opposite to the real school, there is a very lively picture of the Devils' school in hell brought up to the stage. That school specifics are rewards given for late arrivals, getting the worst marks, etc. All the explicitely poised characters, both of positive and negative nature, show what sort of behaviour is accepted in school environment as well as other. Genre: musical, fairy-tale, Language: Slovak, Scene: classical. The play is interactive.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
category: drama
tags: theater comedy singspiel stage original Slovak Romathan children and youth internal