Let's Get Know Each Other
created: 13. 12. 2018 22:57 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The scanned invitation for the cultural event called Let's Get Know Each Other which took place in Roznava. The invitation provides information about the event and the performers, the venue and the organizers.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact graphics Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
Let's Get Know Each Other
created: 13. 12. 2018 22:52 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The scanned invitation for the cultural event called Let's Get Know Each Other which was in Bratislava. The invitation contains information about the event and the performers. The invitiation, additionally, provides the poem by Dezider Banga. The dominant feature is the picture by the pupils from the Elementary school in Jarovnice, where also the logo of the Jekhetane-Spolu Association was made.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact graphics Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
Let's Get Know Each Other - Ziar nad Hronom
created: 13. 12. 2018 22:47 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The scanned invitation for the cultural event called Let's Get Know Each Other, which was in Ziar nad Hronom. The invitation provides information about the event and the performers, photos from the previous events. The invitation also contains information about the racial attacks in Slovakia and the poem by the author Jan Mitras.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact graphics Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
Let's Get Know Each Other
created: 13. 12. 2018 22:42 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The scanned invitation for the cultural event called Let's Get Know Each Other, in Detva. The invitation contains information about the event and the performers, added by the information about the racial attacks in Slovakia, the author poems by Jan Mitras, Deyider Banga and the Black poet James Langston Hughes.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact graphics Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
Romanovela: Love in Translation
created: 13. 12. 2018 22:36 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The scanned invitation for the theater performance called Romanovela: Love in Translation. The performance produced within the international theater project with participation of Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Germany, Slovenia. The front page of the invitation displays the image graphics of three fingers on the blue glossy background. The backpage of the invitation provides information about the event, the venue, the actors and authors. The lower section displays logos of organizers, supporters and cooperating organizations.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact graphics Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
We are Singing for Love
created: 13. 12. 2018 22:30 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The scanned invitation to the concert of Ida Kelarova and the group Romano rat (Romani Blood) called We are Singing for Love. The front page of the invitation provides information about the concert and displays the photo of Ida Kelarova. The back page of the invitation informs about the accompanying event which was the exhibition of the works by the Romani fine artists and presentation of the works by the Romani poets.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact graphics Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
We are Painting for Love
created: 13. 12. 2018 22:24 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
A scanned invitation for the travelling exhibition of the artworks of the Romani artists called We are Painting for Love. The front page of the invitation is covered by the collage of the 11 artworks, the back page provides information about the exhibition, the organizer, the venue, the authors, lecturers and supporters.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
The Dead Rose
created: 29. 11. 2018 16:26 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The theatre bulletin was published by Cultural Centre of Abov - Romathan Theatre Košice. The cover contains an illustration (without the author´s name). The bulletin offfers the basic informations about the ballad called Zvädnutá ruža (The Dead Rose - 15th premiere), about the authors, the actors. The season 1996/1997. The technical specifications: height: 210 mm, width: 149 mm, material: glossy paper, number of pages: 10, colours: black and white, bond: stapled with 2 paper clips.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact graphics Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
The Children´s Cultural Day
created: 29. 11. 2018 16:23 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The invitation for the 5th National Competition of the Children´s Romani Folk Ensembles. The organizers: Romani Culture Bratislava, Podtatranské Cultural Centre Poprad, city of Kežmarok, City Cultural Centre Kežmarok. The invitation contains an introductory illustration (without the author´s name) and a poem (without the author´s name). Technical specifications: height: 200 mm, width: 105 mm, material: paper, number of pages: 4, colours: violet colour on a white background.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact graphics Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
I. National Festival of Romani Culture
created: 29. 11. 2018 16:16 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The invitation for the 1st National Festival of Romani Culture (Prešov, 3rd - 4th August 1991) was published by the Cultural Union of Romani nationality citizens of Slovakia, Prešov-based. It contains the speech of the organizing committee in Slovak and Romani language, the photographs, the illustrations, the poems, a fairy-tale, the event program and a Romani proverbs. Technical specifications: height: 205 mm, width: 102 mm, material: glossy paper, 13 pages, black and white.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material utility 2D artifact graphics Slovak Jekhetane-Spolu general audience internal
Edičná činnosť ŠVK
Liber – verbum – monumentumque V. (Jazyk, školstvo a literatúra v dejinách Slovenska). Ed. Marcela Domenová. Prešov: Štátna vedecká knižnica v Prešove, 2021. 188 s. ISBN 987-80-89614-77-6.
Liber – verbum – monumentumque IV. (Pretiosa quam sit sanitas morbus docet: osveta – zdravotníctvo – knižná kultúra). Ed. Marcela Domenová. Prešov: Štátna vedecká knižnica v Prešove, 2021. 260 s. ISBN 987-80-89614-74-5.
Liber – verbum – monumentumque III.: duchovná kultúra a konfesionalita v dejinách. Ed. Marcela Domenová. Prešov: Štátna vedecká knižnica v Prešove, 2020. 316 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-68-4.
Liber – Verbum – Monumentumque II.: konfesionalita, duchovná a knižná kultúra v dejinách. Ed. Marcela Domenová. Prešov: Štátna vedecká knižnica v Prešove, 2019. 176 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-63-9.
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BISCHOF, Lenka. Prešovské kráľovské katolícke vyššie gymnázium a jeho knižnice v rokoch 1850 – 1918. Prešov: ŠVK Prešov, 2017. 136 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-46-2.
OĽŠAVSKÁ, Gabriela. Evanjelici v Prešove v 18. a v 1. polovici 19. storočia: fragmenty z dejín cirkvi, školstva a osobností. Prešov: ŠVK Prešov, 2017. ISBN 978-80-89614-50-9 (pdf).
Osobnosti v knižnej kultúre a historických prameňoch: Ad honorem Jozef Repčák. Ed. Marcela Domenová. Prešov : ŠVK Prešov, 2017. 244 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-41-7.
Liber – verbum – monumentumque: duchovná kultúra a konfesionalita v dejinách. Ed. Marcela Domenová. Prešov : ŠVK Prešov, 2017. 170 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-38-7.
19. storočie v zrkadle písomných prameňov: Z dejín knižnej a duchovnej kultúry Slovenska. Ed. Marcela Domenová. Prešov : ŠVK Prešov, 2016. 276 s. ISBN 987-80-89614-30-1.
DOMENOVÁ, Marcela a kol. Fragmenty knižnej kultúry z obdobia slovenského národného vývinu (1780 – 1875) vo fondoch historických knižníc mesta Prešov I. Prešov: ŠVK Prešov, 2016. 324 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-34-9.
GOROĽ, Roman. Studený dotyk strateného rána. Prešov: Štátna vedecká knižnica v Prešove, dokumentačno-informačné centrum rómskej kultúry, 2016. 45 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-25-7.
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Kresťanská kultúra a jej miesto v dejinách východného Slovenska III. (pramene – pamiatky – osobnosti). Ed. Marcela Domenová. Prešov: ŠVK, 2014. 202 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-18-9.
Z dejín knižnej kultúry východného Slovenska V. Ed. Marcela Domenová. Prešov: ŠVK, 2014. 190 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-17-2.
Andrej a Ján Šilanovci: z dejín prešovského profesionálneho divadelníctva. Zost. Michal Socha. Prešov: Štátna vedecká knižnica v Prešove, 2014. 126 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-16-5 (e-book ISBN 978-80-89614-15-8).
Rómska hudba na Slovensku / O Roma bašaven / Roma Music in Slovakia. Ed. Erika Godlová. Prešov:
Štátna vedecká knižnica v Prešove, 2014. 260 s. ISBN 978-80-89614-12-7.