Vilko in the Forest Kingdom
created: 03. 06. 2021 08:46 modified: 03. 06. 2021 08:51
The Romathan Theatre presented musical fairy tale for preschool and younger school aged children, named Vilko in the Forest Kingdom. The goal of the performance is to show that a good is always needed in the world of humans. The story is placed in a forest, so the children can meet with the animals, who are the carriers of the positive human characters.
category: drama
tags: theater drama stage spoken drama original Slovak Romani Romathan children and youth internal
Helena Jonasova
created: 28. 10. 2019 18:20 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Photographs documenting the memorial narration of Helena Jonasova, chairwoman of the civic association Cultural Association of the Roma of Slovakia in Banska Bystrica. Photographs were taken in 2016. Helena Jonasova worked at the District Office in Banska Bystrica. She worked at almost all departments there which were dealing with social affairs. At the Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra she received the title PhDr. Already during her studies at the Department of Romani Culture she received an exception and could also give lectures to students, as she had long-term experience in working in the social field. On the 25th anniversary of the department she also received an award for its development. In 2008 she was awarded the Humanity Award for her work in the social field. She received the award from the hands of Anina Botosova, the then Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Romani Communities.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Helena Jonášová general audience internal
Viliam Šarközy st.
created: 16. 08. 2019 12:22 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Viliam Šarközy (1939) is currently the oldest artistic smith in Dunajska Luzna. His smith products were many years sold by ULUV – the network of shops offering the folk art products. He is the author of many large sculptures; all of them made with great deal of artistic vision and smithery skill.
Formerly, Dunajska Luzna was called the Iron Village. Smithery as a craft has more than 300 years long tradition there; until today being the place with the highest number of forges in Slovakia.
The set of photos documenting the memories speech about the craft of smithery.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Vilam Šarközy general audience internal
Stanislav Cina
created: 27. 06. 2019 15:22 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The file contains three colour photographs of Stanislav Cina, created during the recording of his spoken memories, which took place in State scientific library in Prešov, on 4th June 2013. Alexander Mušinka, who took part in the interview, is shown on the last image.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical dialogue guided Slovak Stanislav Cina Alexander Mušinka general audience internal
The Gypsy Boxer
created: 21. 06. 2019 10:25 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The photos of the monodrama titled The Gypsy Boxer. The topic is the real life story of the Romani boxer Johann Trollmann, the German champion of 1933 in middleweight cathegory. His Romani origin was a reason why he was stripped of the title, later.
In 1943 he was murdered in the concentration camp in Neuengamm. The monodrama was produced by The BuranTheater from Brno, Czech Republic, the character of the Romani boxer was portrayed by Filip Teller.
category: drama
tags: theater drama spoken drama stage original Slovak BuranTeatr general audience internal
The Live Book: Roma music in Slovakia
created: 05. 12. 2016 22:18 modified: 02. 06. 2021 09:55
The Live Libraries, as a method, offer an opportunity to know the personal stories of interesting people, who are almost unknown to the majority audience. The purpose is to promote the identity of Romani national minority and on the other side to introduce the Romani people as an national minority with a rich cultural tradition. The second of a series "Live Books 2015" organized by State Scientific Library in Prešov, held on 22. June 2015 in Wave Club in Prešov, this time discussing about the Romani music in Slovakia. The main guest was music producer, composer, pianist Eugen Vizváry, one of the most requested Slovak musician, who devotes to the music genres of Jazz, Funky, Fusion Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, Country, Classic. The event was accompanied by the Cimbalom folk Ensemble - Ďusi Band from Prešov (Július Bandy Sr., Július Bandy Jr., Peter Ferko, Kristián Bandy + Samko Bandy) and singers Žaneta Štipáková and Vanessa Siváková.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical dialogue guided Slovak Eugen Vizváry general audience internal