Viliam Šarközy - Smithery
created: 02. 06. 2021 10:17 modified: 02. 06. 2021 11:46
Viliam Šarközy comes from the smiths' family. The photos were taken during the event The European Romani Smiths' Symposium organized by the civil association Chartikano. The photos document the smithery.
category: crafts
tags: active traditional utility metal smithery Vilam Šarközy Európske Rómske kováčske sympózium general audience internal
Viliam Šarközy st.
created: 16. 08. 2019 12:22 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Viliam Šarközy (1939) is currently the oldest artistic smith in Dunajska Luzna. His smith products were many years sold by ULUV – the network of shops offering the folk art products. He is the author of many large sculptures; all of them made with great deal of artistic vision and smithery skill.
Formerly, Dunajska Luzna was called the Iron Village. Smithery as a craft has more than 300 years long tradition there; until today being the place with the highest number of forges in Slovakia.
The set of photos documenting the memories speech about the craft of smithery.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Vilam Šarközy general audience internal