Through Deep Forests - Žaneta Štipáková, Jozef Ferko
created: 12. 03. 2020 15:37 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Žaneta Štipáková, soloist of the Romathan Theater, sings the song Deep Forests at a public meeting on the occasion of the Memorial Day of the Roma Holocaust accompanied by guitarist Jozef Ferko, actor and singer of the Romathan Theater. The lyrics was written and music was composed by Žaneta Štipáková. The song is a slow song and tells of the historically known attributes attributed to the Roma - love for horses, nomadic life, nature. The record was made on August 24, 2016 in Hanušovce nad Topľou.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
recorded: 24. 08. 2016
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern rom-pop duet original Romani Žaneta Štipáková Jozef Ferko general audience internal
A text transcript of the audio content
Bare vešenca
Bare vešenca,
le verdanenca,
oda drom rodas.
Le grastenca
drom rodas.
O Roma pal o drom džanas,
le grastenca drom džanas.
De len, Devla, but bacht,
na džanenas khatar sas.
O Roma pal o drom džanas,
le grastenca drom džanas.
De len, Devla, but bacht,
na džanenas khatar sas.
V hlbokých lesoch
V hlbokých lesoch,
na vozoch
hľadáme tú cestu.
Na koňoch
tú cestu hľadáme.
Rómovia po tých cestách putovali,
na koňoch ich prešli.
Daj im, Bože, veľa šťastia,
lebo ani nevedia, odkiaľ prichádzajú.
Rómovia po tých cestách putovali,
na koňoch ich prešli.
Daj im, Bože, veľa šťastia,
lebo ani nevedia, odkiaľ prichádzajú.
Deep Woods
Through deep woods,
on the waggons,
we look for the road.
On our horses,
for the road we are looking.
na džanenas khatar sas.
Roma wandered the road,
on horseback they went.
Bless them, God, with luck,
as they don't know where they come from.
Roma wandered the road,
on horseback they went.
Bless them, God, with luck,
as they don't know where they come from.