Denisa Havrlova - Speaking
created: 22. 01. 2024 16:20 modified: 22. 01. 2024 16:21
Mgr. art Denisa Havrlova (1971-) is the Romani activist and journalist, born in the village Ocova. She graduated from the Fine Arts College in Bratislava, specialization as a director of documentary film, as well as from the Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica, where she studied the documentary film making. She was active in the field of journalism, since 1998 she started to work for the Romani newspaper Romano nevo lil, in Presov. Later on, in 2008, she became its editor-in-chief. For the Slovak Press Agency (TASR) she worked as the visual editor, she also tried the work for the Office of Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for the Romani Communities. In her speaking she mentions her first steps in journalism and the following professional growth. She speaks about the Romani topic in the media, the picture of Roma in the media and the Romani media. She speaks about the people who helped her in professional and personal development, and she expresses her gratitude.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
recorded: 06. 02. 2014
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Denisa Havrľová general audience internal