Rastislav Zubaj
created: 02. 12. 2024 13:54 modified: 02. 12. 2024 13:55
Rastislav Zubaj pracuje na Úrade splnomocnenca vlády pre rómske komunity ako regionálny koordinátor národného projektu Terénna sociálna práca a terénna práca v obciach s prítomnosťou marginalizovaných rómskych komunít. V rámci svojej práce sa zameriava na strategické plánovanie, implementáciu projektov a politík, ktoré majú za cieľ zlepšiť sociálne a ekonomické podmienky Rómov na Slovensku. Jeho úlohou je koordinovať rôzne iniciatívy a programy, ktoré sa týkajú vzdelávania, zamestnanosti, bývania a zdravotnej starostlivosti v rómskych komunitách. Angažuje sa v rozvoji a realizácii opatrení, ktoré podporujú rovnaké príležitosti a boj proti diskriminácii. Aktívne sa podieľa na vytváraní a implementácii riešení, ktoré prispievajú k inklúzii a integrácii rómskych komunít do spoločnosti.
Spomienkové rozprávanie o jeho rodine a detstve, o školských a študijných rokoch, ale tiež o pastorácii Rómov a o úlohe (katolíckej) Cirkvi pri pomoci Rómom a ich integrácii.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Rastislav Zubaj general audience internal
Klara Kohoutová
created: 27. 11. 2024 10:52 modified: 27. 11. 2024 10:53
Mgr. Klara Kohoutová, PhD. is a researcher at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. It deals with the history of memory, oral history, Roma history and culture, as well as Czechoslovak history of the second half of the 20th century. She finished her post-gradual studies in 2018 in the field of Slovak history at the Faculty of Humanities of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica and received the PhD.
In the interview, she talks about her education, work in the field of the Roma issues in non-profit organizations, cooperation with RTVS radio broadcasting, but also about research projects and publishing activities.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Czech Klara Kohoutová academic audience internal
Miroslav Rác - interview
created: 26. 11. 2024 07:12 modified: 26. 11. 2024 07:13
Miroslav Rác is a pianist, music teacher, composer. For several years now, he has been working on the theme of the Roma Holocaust. As a concert artist, he played on several world stages in Europe and in Israel.
Miroslav Rác speaks about his activities and plans for future.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Miroslav Rác general audience internal
Anita Haffnerová Balážová, Jakub Haffner
created: 19. 11. 2024 07:24 modified: 19. 11. 2024 07:24
Spouses Anita Haffnerová Balážová and Jakub Haffner in an interview about their origins, family, music studies, their pedagogical work and active performing. The video recording of their interview was made during the documentation of the family cimbalom band Ďusi Band in Prešov, 14 July 2023.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical dialogue general Slovak Anita Haffnerová Balážová Jakub Haffner general audience internal
Agata Siemaszko
created: 05. 11. 2024 09:00 modified: 05. 11. 2024 09:01
Agata Siemaszko is a Polish singer and artist. She comes from the Polish region of Podhalie. She studied ethnology, cultural anthropology and ethnomusicology. Since childhood, she has been interested in singing and music, especially folk music. She is a member of several musical groups that produce the so-called musical style world music. She was a guest singer on Barbora Botošová's albums called Roshambo and Colors of my Soul. In her memoir, she describes the beginnings of her relationship with folklore, singing and music. She describes the life of Roma in Poland as well as the influence of Roma musicians on the folklore of the majority. She compares folklore in Poland and Slovakia and shares ideas about the future of folklore.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Agata Siemaszko general audience internal
Petra Cicková
created: 04. 11. 2024 07:20 modified: 04. 11. 2024 07:21
Petra Cicková is a member of the girls's band LUNA based in Martin. Their repertoir consists of the Romani and Slovak folklore, many times the popular songs are performed in the folklore arrangements as well as classical music. The band members are Petra Cickova - accordion/singer, Bronislava Cickova - doublebass, Michaela Kazarova - violin, Stanislava Cickova - lead singer. The video records Petra Cickova's telling about her personal history and music education, her civil profession and how she views the Romani music in Slovakia.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Petra Cicková general audience internal
Drahoslav Bango
created: 29. 10. 2024 09:37 modified: 29. 10. 2024 09:38
Drahoslav Bango is a graduate of the Conservatory in Bratislava and the Janáček Academy of Performing Arts in Brno. In addition to his studies, he participated and won several awards at important international competitions such as the Liszt Ferenc International Piano Competition in Budapest, the International Novak Piano Competition, Danubia Talents in Vienna and many others. He had the opportunity to present himself in concerts in Israel, Serbia, Romania, Hungary and other countries. He is devoted to serious music, but also to jazz and world music. He currently works as a teacher at the Bratislava Conservatory. The memoir describes his musical beginnings, studies, piano competitions, but also his current musical and professional activities.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Drahoslav Bango general audience internal
Vojtech Bunda
created: 29. 10. 2024 07:07 modified: 29. 10. 2024 09:21
Vojtech Bunda comes from Košice, from a musical family. He has been playing the double bass since childhood. He played in the bands of many folklore ensembles in Košice (Železiar, Východniar, etc.). Playing music both in Slovakia and abroad, he gained musical skills and experienced various musical styles and genres. He is one of the founding members o fthe Romathan Theater, currently still being a part of the ensemble. He is a member of the group Kaschauer Klezmer Band and in many other groups.
category: music
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Vojtech Bunda general audience internal
Marek Michael Konček
created: 28. 10. 2024 07:53 modified: 28. 10. 2024 07:54
Marek Michael Konček comes from the musical Konček family from the Turiec Region. He grew up in Martin, and his relationship with music was built from an early age. He studied at the Ján Levoslav Bella Conservatory in Banská Bystrica, completed his bachelor's studies at the Academy of Musical Arts in Bratislava, master's studies at the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica and postgraduate studies in Krakow. He works in various musical researches and collaborations such as Slovak Chamber Theatre, Slovak National Theatre, Nová scéna, with artists from Slovakia and Poland. In the video interview, he talks about his family, his relationship with culture, education and the importance of culture in the life of a person, a nation. The recording was made on 10/11/2023 in the premises of the documentation and information center of Roma culture.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Marek Michael Konček general audience internal
Kvetoslava Podhradská
created: 21. 10. 2024 07:24 modified: 21. 10. 2024 08:27
Kvetoslava Podhradská was born in Ostrovany near Sabinov. She was 7 years old when, together with her family, she moved to Ostrava-Poruba. She started writing during her studies in secondary school. She is a member of the Romani Authors' Club Paramisara, the one organised by the association Slovo 21. She wrote several short stories, in them she reflects the historical experience of her family and her own childhood memories. In 2022, her children book titled Conversations Over Jam was published. Later, the book received several awards. In this memoir she talks about her childhood in Slovakia and life in Czech Republic. She also speaks about the Romani language, about romanihood, and about her first steps in literary work and her own literary creations.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Czech Romani Kvetoslava Podhradská general audience internal