Jozef Červeňák
created: 23. 02. 2023 11:13 modified: 16. 03. 2023 08:12
PhDr. Jozef Červeňák was born in Dobšiná, the Rožňava district. He graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Konstantin the Philosopher in Nitra. In 1993 he started to work at the Roma Community Center in Rožňava, from 1998 to 2004 he lead the cultural and educational organization Roma-Gemer. Later, he also worked as the Headperson of the Municipal District Luník IX in Košice (2006 – 2007) and national coordinator of national projects financed from the sources of the European Union (Methodological and Pedagogical Center in Prešov). He passed away during the Covid-19 pandemic, in November 2021 in the village of Roštár, where he is also buried. The interview was produced by the Art Society Ltd. Project titled Roma, 30 years after... supported by the Fund for Development of Culture of National Minorities, in 2018.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
recorded: 01. 12. 2018
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Jozef Červeňák general audience internal