Ľubomír Gašpar
created: 26. 06. 2024 09:46 modified: 26. 06. 2024 10:55
Mgr. art Ľubomír Gašpar comes from Detva, currently lives and works in Bratislava. He studied cimbalom at the Ján Levoslav Bella Conservatory in Banská Bystrica, later at the Ján Albrecht Music and Art Academy in Banská Štiavnica. Currently, he is a student at JAMU in Brno. In addition to being a professional musician, he also works as a music teacher at the Dezider Kardoš Private Conservatory in Topoľčany. His musical direction is multi-genre, combining elements of folklore, classical music and jazz. He is part of several musical groups, e.g. SOLE, Ľubomír Gašpar Cimbal Project, with which he recorded two albums: The Point Of View, which won the Rádio Heads Award for the best album in the World Music category in 2017, and Ľubozvuk (2021). He is also a permanent member of the group Manuša, with whom they released an album of the same name in 2022.
recorded: 01. 08. 2022
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Ľubomír Gašpar general audience internal