Maristella - About Family and Elena Lacková
created: 18. 07. 2022 13:48 modified: 18. 07. 2022 13:55
Sister Maristella, by civic name Mária Kačová, is a nun of the Congregatio Jesu, the catholic female congregation known by popular name as „The English Virgins“. Sister Maristella lives in Prešov, helping the abused women, mothers with children and homeless people. She organizes charity where people donate food and clothing. For decades she has been an organist in the concathedral of St. Nicholas in Prešov. In 2009 she received the City of Prešov Award. Her father was a musician, a member of The Dukla Folk Art Ensemble (PUĽS). She is the niece of the first Romani writer in Slovakia, Elena Lacková.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
recorded: 25. 08. 2020
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Maristella general audience internal