Jozef Ferko
created: 20. 12. 2024 08:07 modified: 20. 12. 2024 08:08
Jozef Ferko has been working as an actor and musician at the Romathan Theatre since 1993. He has held various positions - from voice teacher to accompanist. He graduated from the Conservatory in Košice. In addition to working in the theatre, he is also involved in his own musical projects and collaborations with other musicians and groups.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Jozef Ferko general audience internal
Miloš Rác
created: 19. 12. 2024 13:36 modified: 19. 12. 2024 13:37
Miloš Rác is a Roma painter and sculptor. His relationship to artistic modelling from sculptural clay began to manifest itself during his military service, where his first works portraying fairy tale figures were created. After 20 years he returned to his work again. His paintings are mainly abstract, full of colour, which he believes is characteristic of the Roma people. He lives and works in Považská Bystrica. In 2015, his first exhibition took place in MG ART GALLERY in Považská Bystrica. He has exhibited in Roma museums in Martin and Brno. In 2016, he received the Roma Spirit Award in the Culture Category. In 2023, he created a sculpture for the Roma Spirit Award given to the laureates.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Miloš Rác general audience internal
Michaela Bobeková
created: 19. 12. 2024 07:28 modified: 19. 12. 2024 07:29
Michaela Bobeková is an orchestral violinist, singer and violin teacher. The topic of the interview is music as a family occupation, attitudes and evaluations of Roma culture and participation in musical ensembles. The interview was recorded on 10.11.2023 in the State Scientific Library in Prešov.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Michaela Bobeková general audience internal
Richard "Ricco" Šarközi
created: 19. 12. 2024 07:14 modified: 19. 12. 2024 07:26
Richard Šarközi – „Ricco“ je spevák, pochádza z hudobníckej rodiny a žije v Bratislave. Študoval na konzervatóriu v Bratislave odbor operný spev. V roku 2009 bol účastníkom autonehody, odvtedy je pripútaný na invalidný vozík. Ako spevák sa presadil v speváckych súťažiach spolu s Klaudiou Farkašovou na Slovensku (v roku 2014) aj v Maďarsku (v roku 2017). Stal sa laureátom speváckej súťaže Kantiléna, ktorá sa konala na počesť speváka Karola Duchoňa. Vo videozázname hovorí o svojich hudobníckych koreňoch, rodine, vzťahu k hudbe a jej prínose pre rozvoj kultúry národa. Záznam vznikol 10.11.2023 v dokumentačno-informačnom centre rómskej kultúry ŠVK PO.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Richard "Ricco" Šarközi general audience internal
Michaela Kazárová
created: 17. 12. 2024 07:01 modified: 17. 12. 2024 07:02
Michaela Kazárová is a member of the girls's band LUNA based in Martin. Their repertoir consists of the Romani and Slovak folklore, many times the popular songs are performed in the folklore arrangements as well as classical music. The band members are Petra Cickova - accordion/singer, Bronislava Cickova - doublebass, Michaela Kazarova - violin, Stanislava Cickova - lead singer. The video records Michaela Kazárová's telling about her personal history and music education, her civil profession and how she views the Romani music in Slovakia.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Michaela Kazárová general audience internal
Rastislav Zubaj
created: 16. 12. 2024 09:52 modified: 17. 12. 2024 07:00
Rastislav Zubaj pracuje na Úrade splnomocnenca vlády pre rómske komunity ako regionálny koordinátor národného projektu Terénna sociálna práca a terénna práca v obciach s prítomnosťou marginalizovaných rómskych komunít. V rámci svojej práce sa zameriava na strategické plánovanie, implementáciu projektov a politík, ktoré majú za cieľ zlepšiť sociálne a ekonomické podmienky Rómov na Slovensku. Jeho úlohou je koordinovať rôzne iniciatívy a programy, ktoré sa týkajú vzdelávania, zamestnanosti, bývania a zdravotnej starostlivosti v rómskych komunitách. Angažuje sa v rozvoji a realizácii opatrení, ktoré podporujú rovnaké príležitosti a boj proti diskriminácii. Aktívne sa podieľa na vytváraní a implementácii riešení, ktoré prispievajú k inklúzii a integrácii rómskych komunít do spoločnosti.
Spomienkové rozprávanie o jeho kariérnych začiatkoch a rôznych pracovných projektoch a skúsenostiach. Taktiež sa dotýka témy rómskeho jazyka a rómskej kultúry v minulosti a súčasnosti.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Rastislav Zubaj general audience internal
Barbora Botošová and Eugen Botoš
created: 16. 12. 2024 06:32 modified: 16. 12. 2024 06:32
Barbora Botošová and Eugen Botoš are a sibling pair of musicians who in an interview talk about their path to the profession of musicians, evaluate their individual musical development and their joint creative activities. The interview took place on 10.11.2023 in the State Scientific Library in Prešov.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical dialogue guided Slovak Barbora Botošová Eugen Botoš general audience internal
Stanislava Cicková
created: 12. 12. 2024 13:20 modified: 12. 12. 2024 13:44
Stanislava Cicková is a member of the girls's band LUNA based in Martin. Their repertoir consists of the Romani and Slovak folklore, many times the popular songs are performed in the folklore arrangements as well as classical music. The band members are Petra Cickova - accordion/singer, Bronislava Cickova - doublebass, Michaela Kazarova - violin, Stanislava Cickova - lead singer. The video records Stanislava Cickova's telling about her personal history and music education, her civil profession and how she views the Romani music in Slovakia.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Stanislava Cicková general audience internal
Bronislava Cicková
created: 11. 12. 2024 07:14 modified: 11. 12. 2024 07:15
Bronislava Cicková is a member of the girls's band LUNA based in Martin. Their repertoir consists of the Romani and Slovak folklore, many times the popular songs are performed in the folklore arrangements as well as classical music. The band members are Petra Cickova - accordion/singer, Bronislava Cickova - doublebass, Michaela Kazarova - violin, Stanislava Cickova - lead singer. The video records Petra Cickova's telling about her personal history and music education, her civil profession and how she views the Romani music in Slovakia.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Bronislava Cicková general audience internal
Arnold Sási
created: 10. 12. 2024 13:49 modified: 10. 12. 2024 13:49
Arnold Sási is a member of the orchestrat of the Romathan Theatre, where he plays third violin. He studied violin at the Secondary Art School in Košice. As he says, since childhood his grandparents and parents built in him a love for music and specifically for Roma folklore. As a violinist he plays in his father Alexander Sási's family band, in Žaneta Štipáková's swing band, and in local folklore bands. The topic of the interview is his family, his musical education and his work in the Romathan Theatre. The recording was made on 15.11.2023 in M Arena in Prešov.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Arnold Sási general audience internal