Klara Kohoutová
created: 27. 11. 2024 10:52 modified: 27. 11. 2024 10:53
Mgr. Klara Kohoutová, PhD. is a researcher at the Slovak Academy of Sciences. It deals with the history of memory, oral history, Roma history and culture, as well as Czechoslovak history of the second half of the 20th century. She finished her post-gradual studies in 2018 in the field of Slovak history at the Faculty of Humanities of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica and received the PhD.
In the interview, she talks about her education, work in the field of the Roma issues in non-profit organizations, cooperation with RTVS radio broadcasting, but also about research projects and publishing activities.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Czech Klara Kohoutová academic audience internal
Kvetoslava Podhradská
created: 21. 10. 2024 07:24 modified: 21. 10. 2024 08:27
Kvetoslava Podhradská was born in Ostrovany near Sabinov. She was 7 years old when, together with her family, she moved to Ostrava-Poruba. She started writing during her studies in secondary school. She is a member of the Romani Authors' Club Paramisara, the one organised by the association Slovo 21. She wrote several short stories, in them she reflects the historical experience of her family and her own childhood memories. In 2022, her children book titled Conversations Over Jam was published. Later, the book received several awards. In this memoir she talks about her childhood in Slovakia and life in Czech Republic. She also speaks about the Romani language, about romanihood, and about her first steps in literary work and her own literary creations.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Czech Romani Kvetoslava Podhradská general audience internal
Bc. Iveta Kokyová: Notes on the On-line Slovak-Romani and Romani-Slovak Dictionary
created: 02. 05. 2024 15:45 modified: 02. 05. 2024 15:45
The organizer of the 4th annual conference The Current State of Roma Studies IV was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, the Documentation and Information Centre of Roma Culture. The co-organisers were the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the University of Prešov. The conference was held on 7 and 8 December, 2023 in five panels, with a total of 23 papers. The hybrid format allowed the participation of scientists from abroad.
The author presents the project of the online dictionary of the Romani language.
category: speaking
tags: academic presentation monologue conference Czech Iveta Kokyová academic audience internal
Petr Torák - Life in Great Britain
created: 10. 04. 2024 07:19 modified: 10. 04. 2024 07:20
Petr Torák comes from the Czech Republic, from where in 1999, after a series of racially motivated attacks, he and his whole family emigrated to Great Britain. He became a member of the local police, dealing also with the topics such as modern slavery. In 2015, he was awarded the Order of the British Empire for his dedicated work with Roma communities in Peterborough. After leaving the police, he devotes himself fully to community and charity work, and at the same time acts as the honorary consul of the Czech Republic in Peterborough.
In the second part of the three memoirs, Torák shares what he remembers about their arrival in Great Britain, where they applied for the asylum immediately, describes the events that followed as well as their gradual integration into society. He recalls his first work experience until joining the British police, while being an external university student. He describes the activities he carried on and which led to him being awarded the Order of the British Empire.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue general Czech Petr Torák general audience internal
Petr Torák - Community Work
created: 10. 04. 2024 07:16 modified: 10. 04. 2024 07:17
Petr Torák comes from the Czech Republic, from where in 1999, after a series of racially motivated attacks, he and his whole family emigrated to Great Britain. He became a member of the local police, dealing also with the topics such as modern slavery. In 2015, he was awarded the Order of the British Empire for his dedicated work with Roma communities in Peterborough. After leaving the police, he devotes himself fully to community and charity work, and at the same time acts as the honorary consul of the Czech Republic in Peterborough.
In the last, third part of the series of memoirs, Torák talks about his decision to leave the police and devote himself fully to community work. It discusses various aspects of helping people, the importance of working with children and youth, schools; compares the education system in the Czech Republic and Great Britain. He talks about how he became the honorary consul of the Czech Republic in Peterborough and about his plans and visions for the future.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue general Czech Petr Torák general audience internal
Petr Torák - Life in Czech Republic
created: 09. 04. 2024 07:28 modified: 09. 04. 2024 07:29
Petr Torák comes from the Czech Republic, from where in 1999, after a series of racially motivated attacks, he and his whole family emigrated to Great Britain. He became a member of the local police and also devoted himself to topics such as modern slavery. In 2015 he was awarded the Order of the British Empire for his dedicated work with Romani communities in Peterborough. After leaving the ranks of the police, he works fulltime in community and charity field and at the same time acts as the honorary consul of the Czech Republic in Peterborough.
In the first part of a trio of memoirs, Torák recalls his family and childhood in the Czech Republic, his school years and the events that preceded his family's emigration to Great Britain.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue general Czech Petr Torák general audience internal
Mgr. Ondřej Poduška: Political participation of Roma in Slovakia - trends and comparisons
created: 27. 11. 2023 10:56 modified: 30. 11. 2023 16:47
The third year of the conference titled The Current State of Romani Studies III; the organizer was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, a documentation and information center of Romani culture. The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the Prešov University in Prešov collaborated. It was held on 1-2 December 2022 at the University of Prešov. The hybrid form enabled the participation of scientists from abroad as well. There were 23 contributions in five panels.
In the panel Roma in the historical-political discourse, a contribution entitled Political participation of Roma in Slovakia - trends and comparisons was made by Mgr. Ondřej Poduška from the National Democratic Institute. It analyzes the development in the field of political participation of Roma in local governments over the last ten years and the models of Roma participation in political life.
category: speaking
tags: academic report monologue conference Czech Ondřej Poduška academic audience internal
Mgr. Karolína Ryvolová, Ph.D.: Reckoning Time. Contemporary Czech Romani Literature between Social Defense and Attack
created: 22. 05. 2023 10:50 modified: 22. 05. 2023 10:51
The third year of the conference titled The Current State of Romani Studies III; the organizer was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, a documentation and information center of Romani culture. The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the Prešov University in Prešov collaborated. It was held on 1-2 December 2022 at the University of Prešov. The hybrid form enabled the participation of scientists from abroad as well. There were 23 contributions in five panels.
In the Language, Literature and Media Environment panel, Mgr. Katarína Ryvolová, Ph.D. from the Kher Publishing House, Prague, Czech Republic, presented a contribution titled Reckoning Time. Contemporary Czech Romani Literature between Social Defense and Attack. The video was recorded on December 2, 2022.
category: speaking
tags: academic report monologue conference Czech Karolína Ryvolová academic audience internal
Čirikloro alebo Čo hovorí vtáčik
created: 21. 01. 2022 10:12 modified: 08. 05. 2023 20:08
Rómska interaktívna hudobná rozprávka Čirikloro alebo Čo hovorí vtáčik vznikla na motívy rozprávky Mileny Hübschmannovej pod režijnou taktovkou Davida Tišera. Rozprávka je určená pre deti mladšieho školského veku. Táto dramatická hra približuje rómsku kultúrnu tradíciu, slovesnosť a múdrosť starých Rómov. Je pravda iba jedna, alebo máme všetci svoju pravdu? To je otázka, na ktorú sa snažia nájsť odpoveď protagonisti tejto hudobnej rozprávky z produkcie ARA ART.
category: drama
tags: theater comedy singspiel stage adaptation Romani Czech David Tišer general audience internal
Gypsy Boxer - the theater performance
created: 10. 02. 2020 19:45 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Gypsy Boxer is a monodrama picturing the life of the German boxer of Romani (Sinti) origin Johann Wilhelm Trollman, known under the name „Rukeli“. In Nazi Germany Rukeli became the lightweight champion. Later on, he was stripped of the title because of his ethnical origin. Johann Trollman was in 1943 deported to concentration camp Neuengamme, where he was murdered.
Author: Rike Reiniger
Translation: Lucie Ceralova
Director: Gabriela Krecmerova
Plays: Filip Teller
category: drama
tags: theater drama spoken drama stage original Czech Filip Teller general audience internal