Rudolf Balog a Július Ökrös
created: 04. 03. 2024 14:32 modified: 04. 03. 2024 14:34
Rudolf Balog and Julius Okros are members of the cimbalom band named Peter Horvath Orchestra. Rudolf Balog plays double-bass, Julius Okros plays violin. In the interview with both of them, made as an outcome of documentation of the Romani cimbalom bands, they speak about musical family environment, the influence it had on their actual professional lives. Julius attended the Art School in Filakovo which he graduated, thus he achieved the secondary music education. When five year old, he got violin in his hands and keeps holding it still. Rudolf was self-taugh musician who learnt fundamental skills how to play the music instrument in his family. The video document was recorded on August 24, 2022 in Presov.
recorded: 26. 08. 2022
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Rudolf Balog Július Ökrös internal general audience