Duo Farsa, Marco Pillo - A Night in Ankara
created: 13. 12. 2018 10:07 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The instrumental composition A Night in Ankara is the authors' composition by Frantisek Godla and Dusan Onody, the members of the guitar players under the label Duo Farsa. The motivation behind the composition is their stay in Turkey. Duo Farsa plays their own, highly emotional compositions of more genres, mainly influenced by the Spanish rhythms of flamenco. The performance is specific by participation of Marco Pillo (a musician, singer and composer), who plays the cajon. The video was recorded on 31st of March, 2014 in the Jonas Zaborsky Theater's Small Scene as a part of the presentation of the book of poems by Dusan Onody: For You, Only You.
category: music
tags: instrumental modern flamenco trio author's craft Duo Farsa Marco Pillo general audience internal
Marco Pillo - Soledad
created: 05. 12. 2018 20:15 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The performance of the composer, singer, guitar player and cymbalist Marco Pillo was documented during the presentation of the poetry collection by Dusan Onody titled ToYou, Only You, in March 31, 2014 at the Small Stage of the Jonas Zaborsky Theater in Presov. The song Soledad - Solitude is the Spanish song. The song's genre is the slow flamenco compositions.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern flamenco trio Marco Pillo Duo Farsa general audience internal
Duo Farsa - Filip
created: 01. 12. 2017 15:37 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The video recording contains the public performance of a guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays self composed emotional songs of different genres, with a dominance of spanish rhythms of flamenco. Duo is composed of two virtuoso Roma musicians, František Godla and Dušan Onody from Sabinov. This song got its name after the cajonist, former band member named Filip. It´s also a tribute to Jaroslav Filip (famous Slovak musician), who worked with the very similar melodics and due to the unverified informations had Roma ancestors.
category: music
tags: instrumental modern rom-jazz duet author's craft Duo Farsa general audience internal
Duo Farsa - A Night in Ancara
created: 01. 12. 2017 15:35 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The video recording contains the public performance of a guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays self composed emotional songs of different genres, with a dominance of spanish rhythms of flamenco. Duo is composed of two virtuoso Roma musicians, František Godla and Dušan Onody from Sabinov. This song way inspired by their visit of Turkey and it impresses with its unrestraint and spontaneity.
category: music
tags: instrumental modern rom-jazz duet author's craft Duo Farsa general audience internal
Duo Farsa - Hug
created: 01. 12. 2017 15:27 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The video recording contains the public performance of a guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays self composed emotional songs of different genres, with a dominance of spanish rhythms of flamenco. Duo is composed of two virtuoso Roma musicians, František Godla and Dušan Onody from Sabinov. The name of the song musicians translate as a "hug" and it came from the first letters of the chords used in the composition, H-G-A-D.
category: music
tags: instrumental modern rom-jazz duet author's craft Duo Farsa general audience internal
Duo Farsa - Bossa Dorado
created: 01. 12. 2017 15:26 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The video recording contains the public performance of a guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays self composed emotional songs of different genres, with a dominance of spanish rhythms of flamenco. Duo is composed of two virtuoso Roma musicians, František Godla and Dušan Onody from Sabinov. Composition´s author is a guitarist Dorado Schmitt, authors of music adaptation are musicians from Duo Farsa.
category: music
tags: instrumental modern rom-jazz duet author's craft Duo Farsa general audience internal
Duo Farsa - Minor Swing
created: 01. 12. 2017 15:23 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The video recording contains the public performance of a guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays self composed emotional songs of different genres, with a dominance of spanish rhythms of flamenco. Duo is composed of two virtuoso Roma musicians, František Godla and Dušan Onody from Sabinov. The composition is a music adaptation of the original composition of Django Reinhardt.
category: music
tags: instrumental modern rom-jazz duet author's craft Duo Farsa general audience internal
Duo Farsa - Fiesta
created: 01. 12. 2017 14:56 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Verejné vystúpenie gitarového dua, Duo Farsa. Gitarové duo hrá vlastné emotívne skladby rôznych žánrov, s prevahou španielskych rytmov, flamenca. Duo tvoria dvaja virtuózni rómski hudobníci, František Godla a Dušan Onody zo Sabinova. Táto autorská skladba, v preklade zo španielčiny ,,oslava", je oslavou života. Začína pomalou, pokojnou časťou, ktorá postupne evokuje rýchle pracovné tempo bežného dňa. Končí rytmickým, dynamicky vygradovaným večerom, po ktorom nasleduje pokojný záver dňa na konci oslavy.
category: music
tags: instrumental modern flamenco duet author's craft Duo Farsa general audience internal
Duo Farsa - Dreams
created: 01. 12. 2017 14:48 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The video recording contains the public performance of a guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays self composed emotional songs of different genres, with a dominance of spanish rhythms of flamenco. Duo is composed of two virtuoso Roma musicians, František Godla and Dušan Onody from Sabinov. The composition was written during the studies of the both musicians on conservatory of music. It was inspired by a dreaming of a young people about the future.
category: music
tags: instrumental modern flamenco duet author's craft Duo Farsa general audience internal
Duo Farsa - Concert
created: 01. 12. 2017 13:34 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The video recorded a public performance of the guitar duo, Duo Farsa. The guitar duo plays their own emotional compositions of various genres with mostly Spanish rhythm, flamenco. The duo consists of two masterly Romani musicians, František Godla and Dušan Onody from Sabinov.
category: music
tags: instrumental modern rom-pop duet author's craft Duo Farsa general audience internal