Žaneta Štipáková - Devla miro
created: 09. 07. 2021 09:21 modified: 09. 07. 2021 09:44
Zaneta Stipakova, an actress and singer in the Theater Romathan, sings the Romani rom-pop song My God, accompanied by the professional pianist, a teacher at the elementary music schools, a composer and a Romani hip-hop performer Miroslav Rac, whose artistic pseudonym is BG. The song, based on its lyrics and the overall tune, belongs to the cathegory of sad, lament songs. The video was recorded on 24th of August, 2015 in Presov, at the event titled Live Book: word - picture - sound, organized by the State Research Library in Presov, as commemoration of the Romani holokaust.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
recorded: 24. 08. 2015
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern rom-pop solo borrowed Romani Žaneta Štipáková Miroslav Rác general audience internal
A text transcript of the video content
Devla miro
Devla miro,
Ma domukh man,
Na domukhen man,
Hoj pes avka te trapinav.
Imar na som, Devla miro,
Imar na som
Ajso, sar somas čhavoreske.
Devla miro,
Ma domukh man,
Na domukhen,
Hoj me man avkes te trapinav,
Imar na som, Devla miro,
Imar na som
Ajso, sar somas čhavoreske.
Mamo miri, mamo miri,
Na domukhen,
Hoj man avka te trapinav.
Imar na som, Devla miro,
Imar na som
Ajso, sar somas čhavoreske.
Mamo miri, mamo miri,
Na domukhen,
Hoj me man avkes te trapinav.
Imar na som, Devla miro,
Imar na som
Ajso, sar somas čhavoreske.
Bože môj
Bože môj,
Aby som tak veľmi trpel.
Už nie som, Bože môj,
Už nie som
Taký, aký som býval ako dieťa.
Bože môj,
Nedopusť to,
Nedajte mi
Tak veľmi sa trápiť.
Už nie som, Bože môj,
Veru nie som
Taký, aký som býval ako dieťa.
Mama moja, mama moja,
Aby bolo moje trápenie také strašné.
Už nie som, Bože môj,
Už nie som
Taký, aký som býval v detstve.
Mama moja, mama moja,
Aby som tak veľmi trpel.
Už nie som, Bože môj,
Už nie som
Taký, aký som býval keď som bol dieťa.
My God
My God,
Don't let me,
Don't let me
Suffer so much.
I'm not anymore,
I'm no longer
The same one as I was in my childhood.
My God,
Don't let me,
Don't let me
Suffer so terribly.
I'm not anymore,
I'm no longer
The same one as I was in my childhood.
My mother, my mother,
Do not let me
Suffer so much.
I'm not anymore,
I'm no longer
The same one as I was in my childhood.
My mother, my mother,
Do not let me
Suffer as I do now.
I'm not anymore,
I'm no longer
The same one as I was in my childhood.