Songbook - 03. Džal e romňi pal o drom
created: 09. 03. 2016 15:49 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The original recording was documented during the performance of Romathan Theatre from Košice, in Svinia village, which was held as a cultural – educational event in April 2013. The performer of the song was Milan Godla, one of the members of theatre ensemble. It´s a playful, witty song, a raillery between a man and a woman. Here, sung by Dominika Klemparova.
category: music
Songbook - 02. Odmukh mange
created: 09. 03. 2016 14:37 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Recorded on 8th of April 2014 during the Amaro Džives - Our Day Show, on the occasion of International Romani Day in Theatre of Jonáš Záborský in Prešov. The song was sung by Anička Oláhová. The author of t he song is unknown. It´s a slow, balladic song. Here, sung by Dominika Klemparova.
category: music
Songbook - 01. Phen tu mange
created: 09. 03. 2016 10:37 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The original recording of a song was documented on 1st festival of a Culture of Vlach Romani „Amari Luma” in September 2013 in Komárno. The song was interpreted by Ternipe band from Hungary. Ternipe (Youth) is influential, mostly vocal Romani band. Phen tu mange songs is an example of a slow ballad. Here, sung by Dominika Klemparova.
category: music
Paintings of World-Known Personalities
created: 02. 03. 2016 13:39 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
A series of 13 fine art portraits of world famous personalities was created within the priority project „Live Books (word - video - audio)” supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic in April and May 2015.
category: fine arts
Who´s the most beautiful in the world - Ko pre luma nekhšukareder
created: 19. 02. 2016 15:35 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Musical fairy-tale „Who´s the most beautiful in the world - Ko pre luma nekhšukareder”, based od Daniela Hivešová-Šilanová´s text, performed by professional Romani Theatre Romathan from Košice. The educational performance, above all adressed for a children, took place in Romathan Theatre in Kosice.
category: drama
Live Book - The Holocaust
created: 17. 02. 2016 13:03 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The Live Libraries, as a method, offer an opportunity to know the personal stories of interesting people, who are almost unknown to the majority audience. The purpose is to promote the identity of Romani national minority and on the other side to introduce the Romani people as an national minority with a rich cultural tradition. The third of a series „Live Books 2015”, organized by State Scientific Library in Prešov, held on 24. August 2015 in Wave Club in Prešov, this time discussing about the Romani holocaust. The guests were the ethnologist Lucia Segľová and son of a witness of concentration camps, Mr. Ľudovít Petík. The event was accompanied by the music of a pianist Miroslav Rác and a singer Žaneta Štipáková. At the end of the presentation, Miro Rác performed his self-composed composition, named Porraimos, what means Holocaust in Romani language.
category: speaking
Live Book - Eugen Vizváry
created: 16. 02. 2016 15:43 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The Live Libraries, as a method, offer an opportunity to know the personal stories of interesting people, who are almost unknown to the majority audience. The purpose is to promote the identity of Romani national minority and on the other side to introduce the Romani people as an national minority with a rich cultural tradition. The second of a series „Live Books 2015” organized by State Scientific Library in Prešov, held on 22. June 2015 in Wave Club in Prešov, this time discussing about the Romani music in Slovakia. The main guest was music producer, composer, pianist Eugen Vizváry, one of the most requested Slovak musician, who devotes to the music genres of Jazz, Funky, Fusion Rock, Pop, Hip-Hop, R&B, Country, Classic. The event was accompanied by the Cimbalom folk Ensemble - Ďusi Band from Prešov (Július Bandy Sr., Július Bandy Jr., Peter Ferko, Kristián Bandy + Samko Bandy) and singers Žaneta Štipáková and Vanessa Siváková.
category: music
Live Book: the International Romani Day
created: 09. 02. 2016 16:00 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
State Scientific Library Prešov, documentation and information centre of Romani cluture, realized four events within the project „Live Books (word - video - audio)” in 2015, the project granted by the Ministry of culture of Slovak republic. The purpose was to promote outstanding Romani personalities of culture and arts, who are almost unknown to the majority. The first event was dedicated to the International Romani Day (8th April), where we introduced the producer of documentary films, the cinematographer and the director, Jozef Banyák. The musical guest was Gipsy Kings Revival band. The moderators were Erika Godlová and Zuzana Paľuchová.
category: speaking
Jozef Banyák
created: 09. 02. 2016 15:47 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
Jozef Banyák (1958) was born in Podunajské Biskupice. In 1982 he graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts Bratislava with MA degree in film and television direction. He speaks English, German, Hungarian, Russian and Spanish. In years 1981 - 1993 he worked in Slovak television as an assistant director, director and screenwriter. In the 1990s he wrote and directed several television fairy-tales, many of them worked with a theme of Romani legends: O ZORALI a DVOCH BRATOCH (About Zorali and the two brothers), O KRÁSNEJ STRIGE (About the beautiful Witch), ZLATÝ HLAS (Golden Voice).
Jozef Banyák also worked with a documentary genre. He created many documentary films for STV (RTVS - state-owned nationwide public broadcasting TV and radio), mostly with a social, ethnic and cultural themes: DIETKY NEVINNÉ (Innocent Children), TANEC JE ŽIVOT (Dance is Life), Z RUDŇAN DO BRONXU (From Rudňany to Bronx). He created also few parts of a documetary series V TIENI (In the Shade), for TV Markiza.
Since 1991, he regularly cooperates with a foreign film crews, mostly from Hollywood, filmmaking the movies in Slovakia: DRAGONHEART I., II., LUCAS B., 32nd OCTOBER, KULL THE CONQUEROR, UPRISING, etc.
In years 2008 - 2009 he created a documentary TV series of 8 parts, about the work of Slovak scientists (screenwriter, producer, director and cinematographer) called SPEKTRUM VEDY (Science Spectrum).
Since 2009 he works as a freelancer author. He is a chairman of a civic association OKNO (Window).
Other works:
2010, 2011 - KINORAMA, cultural TV magazine STV about the world of film (screenwriter, producer, director and cinematographer)
2010 - AJ KONE SA HRAJÚ (The Horses are also playing) - 65 min. movie for children (RTVS), script, directot
2010 - OLÉ, ZÁPRAŽKA (Olé, Roux) - 85 min. commedy (RTVS), script, screenplay, director
2011 - KROK Z AKROKOM (Step by Step) - documentary film about the succesful projects in solving problems of socially excluded Romani communities.
Other documentary films with a national themes: ŠPECIÁLNA INTEGRÁCIA (Special Integration) (2012), REPORTER (2013), ČAVALE (Chavale) (2013), CHLIEB AJ HRY (Bread and Games) (2014), Z BRATISLAVY DO RUDŇAN A ĎALEJ (From Bratislava to Rudňany and Further) (2014), V ÚTVARE (In the Labour Crew) (2014).
KVETY A KORENE (The Flowers and the Roots) - film about an American poet with a Slovak roots, James Ragan.
category: speaking
Development plan of documentation and information centre of the Roma culture of the State Scientific Library in Prešov in the period of permanent sustainability 2015-2019
created: 05. 02. 2016 14:33 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The vision of the Library in the field of the Roma culture isto build a nationwide centre of documents, cultural objects and information on the Roma culture,as well as a centre of information on the Roma national minority with complex coveringthe field of cultural heritage, social and economic development, education, science and research both in the Slovak Republic and internationally. This document brings the development plan of the centre until 2019.
category: literature