Kale topanki - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band (Black Shoes)
created: 19. 05. 2023 23:39 modified: 23. 05. 2023 13:22
The Romani folk song, recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. It’s a dance song in fast tempo, the modern Romungro czardasz. The Cínas (the siblings Štefan – accordion, Martina – violin, vocals) learned the song at home from their father, who learned it from his father. The lyrics of the song is in the Romani language.
copyright: State Scientific Library in Prešov
recorded: 08. 07. 2022
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal