Daje, daje - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band
created: 28. 08. 2023 16:53 modified: 28. 08. 2023 16:54
The Romani folk song, recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. It’s a dance song in fast tempo, the traditional Romungro czardasz. The Cínas (the siblings Štefan – accordion, Martina – violin, vocals) learned the song at home from their father, who learned it from his father. The lyrics of the song is in the Romani language.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal
Šukar jakha la čha hin - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band (That girl has beautiful eyes)
created: 19. 05. 2023 23:57 modified: 28. 08. 2023 17:02
The Romani folk song, recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. It’s a dance song in fast tempo, the traditional Romungro czardasz. The Cínas (the siblings Štefan – accordion, Martina – violin, vocals) learned the song at home from their father, who learned it from his father. The lyrics of the song is in the Romani language.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal
Čirikloro mirikloro - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band (Birdie Beadie)
created: 19. 05. 2023 23:53 modified: 23. 05. 2023 16:51
The Romani folk song, recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. It’s a dance song in fast tempo, the traditional Romungro czardasz. The Cínas (the siblings Štefan – accordion, Martina – violin, vocals) learned the song at home from their father, who learned it from his father. The lyrics of the song is in the Romani language.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal
Nane cocha, nane gad - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band (No skirt, nor shirt)
created: 19. 05. 2023 23:49 modified: 23. 05. 2023 16:46
The Romani song, recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. The song is a part of the popular soundtrack from the film Gypsies are Found Near Heaven (Moldava, 1975). The song was composed by Eugen Doga. The song's lyrics is in Romani language.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal
Aničko, Aničko - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band
created: 19. 05. 2023 23:48 modified: 23. 05. 2023 15:11
The folk song, recorded on July 8, 2022 within the series of Documention of the Romani folk bands in Slovakia. The song is problably originally Slovak, folk, dancing and in fast tempo. It is sung with the lyrics in Romani language, the musical interpretation is influenced by the Romani musical feeling.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal
Le more e brača - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band (Hold the Violin, Bro)
created: 19. 05. 2023 23:43 modified: 23. 05. 2023 13:52
The Romani folk song, recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. It’s a dance song in fast tempo, the traditional Romungro czardasz. The Cínas (the siblings Štefan – accordion, Martina – violin, vocals) learned the song at home from their father, who learned it from his father. The lyrics of the song is in the Romani language.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal
Kale topanki - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band (Black Shoes)
created: 19. 05. 2023 23:39 modified: 23. 05. 2023 13:22
The Romani folk song, recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. It’s a dance song in fast tempo, the modern Romungro czardasz. The Cínas (the siblings Štefan – accordion, Martina – violin, vocals) learned the song at home from their father, who learned it from his father. The lyrics of the song is in the Romani language.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal
Čhajori romaňi - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band (Romani Girl)
created: 19. 05. 2023 23:35 modified: 23. 05. 2023 13:14
The song Čhajori romaņi (Romani Girl) by an unknown author and its lyrics reflects text the cruel reality of Roma imprisoned in concentration and labor camps during the Second World War. It is considered the anthem of the Slovak Roma. The song is slow, heartbreaking. It was recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. The Cínas (the siblings Štefan – accordion, Martina – violin, vocals) learned the song at home from their father, who learned it from his father. The lyrics of the song is in the Romani language.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal
Odoj tele - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band (Down, there)
created: 19. 05. 2023 15:27 modified: 28. 08. 2023 16:50
The Romani folk song, recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. It’s a dance song in fast tempo, the traditional Romungro czardasz. The Cínas (the siblings Štefan – accordion, Martina – violin, vocals) learned the song at home from their father, who learned it from his father. The lyrics of the song is in the Romani language.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk orchestra original Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal
Phadžiľa, phadžiľa - Štefan Cína and the Folk Band (It Broke Down)
created: 19. 05. 2023 15:20 modified: 23. 05. 2023 11:03
The Romani folk song, recorded on July 8, 2022 as part of the series Documentation of Romani Cimbalom Folk Bands in Slovakia. It’s a dance song in fast tempo, the traditional Romungro czardasz. The Cínas (the siblings Štefan – accordion, Martina – violin, vocals) learned the song at home from their father, who learned it from his father. The lyrics of the song is in the Romani language.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Štefan Cína's Folk Music Band general audience internal