Elena Lacková - Let's Get Introduced (The Debate in Handlová)
created: 08. 03. 2024 11:27 modified: 08. 03. 2024 11:28
The video is the archived material of the NGO Jekhetane-Spolu. Its content is the recorded debate of the writer Elena Lacková which took place in the Library in Handlová; this event being a part of the series of events named Let's Get Introduced. The original video is recorded on VHS tape, the digital version was made in 2002 through digitalization of the tape. Some parts of the debate in the original record are edited, hence the utterance of sentences isn't finished properly. The object is provided only for studying purposes and research of Elena Lacková. The author of the video isn't identified.
Elena Lacková was born on March 22, 1921 in Veľký Šariš. She is one of the most important Romani writer. She wrote fot both children and adult readers. She graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles University in Prague (1970). She wrote prose as well as dramatic pieces. She was a lifelong activist and Romani advocate.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical dialogue general Slovak Elena Lacková general audience internal