Gejza Adam
created: 05. 12. 2023 13:41 modified: 05. 12. 2023 13:42
PaedDr. Gejza Adam, PhD. (born 1951 in Michalovce) is an important figure in the Roma emancipation movement in the former Czechoslovakia and subsequently, in the Slovak Republic. As a qualified teacher for the 1st grade of elementary schools (Faculty of Pedagogy, P.J. Šafárik University – a graduate), he participated in activities in the field of education of Romani children already around the mid-1980s. In the years 1989-1992, he was a member of the Public Against Violence (Verejnosť proti násiliu - VPN) movement, where he represented the Roma Citizens' Initiative platform (Rómska občianska iniciatíva – ROI). In the years 1990 – 1992, he was a member of the Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (FZ ČSFR). In 1998, he became a member of the Government Council for National Minorities and Ethnic Groups in the Slovak Republic, in 2000-2004 he was Commissioner for Roma Education within the International Romani Union (IRU). He continued his political work as the chairman of the Roma Coalition Party (Strana rómskej koalície – SRK) until 2020.
What can be considered as the greatest achievements of his career is the cooperation in the process of granting the status of a national minority to the Roma, the establishment of a network of private secondary schools (Private Secondary Pedagogical and Social Academy, Private Secondary Art School) where Romani language is taught as well as taught in, the establishment of the Detached Workplace of the University of Health Services and Social Work of St. Elisabeth in Košice of which he acted as the headperson.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Slovak Gejza Adam general audience internal