Abel Ravasz - Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Romani Communities
created: 02. 07. 2024 09:44 modified: 02. 07. 2024 09:45
Ábel Ravasz is a sociologist and politician who specializes in minorities and regions. He graduated from universities in Hungary and USA with the degrees in political science, economics and sociology. He was one of the advisors in the Most-Híd – the political party after what he became the party nominee for the post of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Romani Communities. He held the post from 2016 to 2020. He is a co-founder of the Purt organization, the one which organises the Romani, Hungarian and Slovak activists. He also served as the Executive Director of the Matej Bel Institute. In the interview, he talks about his work at the Office of the Slovak Republic Government Plenipotentiary for the Romani Communities, about his activities and priorities, as well as about the achievments and failures.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective academic biographical factual monologue guided Slovak Ábel Ravasz general audience internal
Ábel Ravasz
created: 02. 07. 2024 09:27 modified: 02. 07. 2024 09:27
Ábel Ravasz is a sociologist and politician who specializes in minorities and regions. He graduated from universities in Hungary and USA with the degrees in political science, economics and sociology. He was one of the advisors in the Most-Híd – the political party after what he became the party nominee for the post of the Plenipotentiary of the Government of the Slovak Republic for Romani Communities. He held the post from 2016 to 2020. He is a co-founder of the Purt organization, the one which organises the Romani, Hungarian and Slovak activists. He also served as the Executive Director of the Matej Bel Institute. In the interview he speaks about the topics of extremism, poverty, segregation or inter-ethnical relations. He speaks about the active participation of the minorities in Slovakia, as well as about the mission and work of Matej Bel Institute.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective academic biographical factual monologue guided Slovak Ábel Ravasz general audience internal
Gejza Adam
created: 05. 12. 2023 13:41 modified: 05. 12. 2023 13:42
PaedDr. Gejza Adam, PhD. (born 1951 in Michalovce) is an important figure in the Roma emancipation movement in the former Czechoslovakia and subsequently, in the Slovak Republic. As a qualified teacher for the 1st grade of elementary schools (Faculty of Pedagogy, P.J. Šafárik University – a graduate), he participated in activities in the field of education of Romani children already around the mid-1980s. In the years 1989-1992, he was a member of the Public Against Violence (Verejnosť proti násiliu - VPN) movement, where he represented the Roma Citizens' Initiative platform (Rómska občianska iniciatíva – ROI). In the years 1990 – 1992, he was a member of the Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (FZ ČSFR). In 1998, he became a member of the Government Council for National Minorities and Ethnic Groups in the Slovak Republic, in 2000-2004 he was Commissioner for Roma Education within the International Romani Union (IRU). He continued his political work as the chairman of the Roma Coalition Party (Strana rómskej koalície – SRK) until 2020.
What can be considered as the greatest achievements of his career is the cooperation in the process of granting the status of a national minority to the Roma, the establishment of a network of private secondary schools (Private Secondary Pedagogical and Social Academy, Private Secondary Art School) where Romani language is taught as well as taught in, the establishment of the Detached Workplace of the University of Health Services and Social Work of St. Elisabeth in Košice of which he acted as the headperson.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Slovak Gejza Adam general audience internal
Alexander Mušinka – The Svinia Project 3. Results and Closing of the Project.
created: 04. 10. 2022 09:01 modified: 04. 10. 2022 09:05
Alexander Mušinka is a cultural anthropologist, an expert in Ruthenian-Ukrainian as well as in Romani issues. He studied ethnology and history at Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. Since 1997, he has been working as a researcher at the University of Prešov in Prešov, currently at the Institute of Roma Studies, and is active in the non-governmental sector. He participated in many research, non-governmental and development projects related to Roma communities, especially in the Eastern Slovakia. He is the chairman of the Society for Research and Development of Minority Groups of the Slovak Republic - MINORITAS, the chairman of the Regional Center for Roma Issues in Prešov and he is also the vice-chairman of the Center for Anthropological Research in Prešov. His publishing activity, whether as author or co-author, is rich, resulting in dozens of publications, anthologies and scientific studies. The Svinia Project was a development project that began in 1998 in the Roma settlement of Svinia with Alexander Mušinka as its coordinator.The third part of the interview is focused on the changes and improvements of the environment within the settlement. What steps were taken towards solutions in the issues of drinking water, sewerage or housing.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Slovak Alexander Mušinka The Institute for Romani Studies general audience internal
Alexander Mušinka – The Svinia Project 2. Supporting Education and Employment.
created: 04. 10. 2022 08:53 modified: 04. 10. 2022 08:56
Alexander Mušinka is a cultural anthropologist, an expert in Ruthenian-Ukrainian as well as in Romani issues. He studied ethnology and history at Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. Since 1997, he has been working as a researcher at the University of Prešov in Prešov, currently at the Institute of Roma Studies, and is active in the non-governmental sector. He participated in many research, non-governmental and development projects related to Roma communities, especially in the Eastern Slovakia. He is the chairman of the Society for Research and Development of Minority Groups of the Slovak Republic - MINORITAS, the chairman of the Regional Center for Roma Issues in Prešov and he is also the vice-chairman of the Center for Anthropological Research in Prešov. His publishing activity, whether as author or co-author, is rich, resulting in dozens of publications, anthologies and scientific studies. The Svinia Project was a development project that began in 1998 in the Roma settlement of Svinia with Alexander Mušinka as its coordinator. In the second part of the interview, he talks in more detail about specific activities in the settlement, about civic participation of local Roma, about support for education and employment. Why it was necessary to build a kindergarten for local children, how they supported children's meals at school, up to extracurricular activities and establishment of various workshops for Roma adults in the settlement.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Slovak Alexander Mušinka The Institute for Romani Studies general audience internal
Alexander Mušinka – The Project Svinia 1. Starting points of the Project.
created: 03. 10. 2022 13:07 modified: 03. 10. 2022 15:27
Alexander Mušinka is a cultural anthropologist, an expert in Ruthenian-Ukrainian as well as in Romani issues. He studied ethnology and history at Faculty of Arts of Charles University in Prague. Since 1997, he has been working as a researcher at the University of Prešov in Prešov, currently at the Institute of Roma Studies, and is active in the non-governmental sector. He participated in many research, non-governmental and development projects related to Roma communities, especially in the Eastern Slovakia. He is the chairman of the Society for Research and Development of Minority Groups of the Slovak Republic - MINORITAS, the chairman of the Regional Center for Roma Issues in Prešov and he is also the vice-chairman of the Center for Anthropological Research in Prešov. His publishing activity, whether as author or co-author, is rich, resulting in dozens of publications, anthologies and scientific studies. The Svinia Project was a development project that began in 1998 in the Roma settlement of Svinia with Alexander Mušinka as its coordinator. In the first part of the interview, he tells how the project was started, how it was financed and what were the consequence of the huge floods in 1998.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Slovak Alexander Mušinka The Institute for Romani Studies general audience internal
Live Book: Red Tomato
created: 18. 05. 2022 09:03 modified: 18. 05. 2022 09:21
The film Loli Paradička is a romantic comedy about the love of Veronca and the goods seller at fair, Milan. They both are disabled in their way - Milan has no leg, Veronka is a Romani girl. It does not prevent them from living through their sincere, ridiculously sad story, full of hope, love and humor. Screenplay and direction: Richard Staviarsky, Viťo Staviarsky. Music: Štefan Cína and Viťo Staviarsky. The main roles were played by Michal Iľkanin and Kamila Mitrášová. It won the Audience Award at the Art Film Fest festival, and in 2019 it was the most successful Slovak film. The guests of the event within the series of events called the Living Books, implemented by the State Scientific Library in Prešov, were the creators Richard Staviarsky and Marka Staviarska (the producer) and the actress who played the main character, Kamila Mitrášová. The musical guest was the Folk Music Band of Štefan Cína. Štefan Cína is the co-author of the music soundtrack to the film, the band recorded most of the original songs.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual dialogue guided Slovak Richard Staviarsky Marka Staviarska Kamila Mirtrášová general audience internal
Tomas Hrustic - Black and White Worlds
created: 23. 03. 2020 14:01 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Tomáš Hrustič from the Institute of Ethnology and Social Anthropology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava presents the publication Black and White Worlds / Roma in the Majority Society in Slovakia. Two different nations, two different views, two worlds. Two different worlds that live side by side. The Roma and the others. These facts also contributed to the formation of the title of the publication Black and White Worlds. Domestic and foreign experts from the field of Roma studies looked into these worlds and brought the results of their own research. Professional reviewers of the publication: Martin Fotta, PhD., PhDr. Michal Vašečka, PhD., Kimmo Granqvist, PhD., Prof. Mgr. Milan Kováč, PhD. Published by: VEDA, Publishing House of SAV, published in: 2015, number of pages: 595
The video is divided into several inputs. Each entry represents a part of the publication. Inputs are labeled.
category: speaking
tags: academic factual dialogue humanities Slovak Romani Tomáš Hrustič academic audience internal
Romani Pilgrimage in Zabno
created: 10. 02. 2020 19:29 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Factographic narrative about the memorial that was built in 2012 on the site of the execution of unknown Roma during World War II in 1943.
category: speaking
tags: academic factual monologue humanities Polish Adam Bartosz general audience internal
Romani Pilgrimage in Bielcza
created: 31. 01. 2020 15:27 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
In 1942 in Bielcza, Poland, the Germans murdered 41 Roma from the Kwiek family. They were nomadic Roma from Kalderash group. Their common grave is well cared by the local people.
category: speaking
tags: academic factual monologue humanities Polish Adam Bartosz general audience internal