Nane maro, nane mas - Manuša
created: 18. 12. 2023 06:53 modified: 18. 12. 2023 06:53
The members of the band Manusha (People) are professional musicians. The music project had been initiated by the Slovak singer Julia Kozakova; the musicians are Lubomir Gaspar on cimbalom, Viliam Didias on violin, Vojtech “Belu” Botos on viola and Jan Rigo on double-bass. In 2022, with the support of the Fund for Development of the National Minorities’ Culture in SR, and The Bratislava Self-Governing Region, the band released the album with the same name. The album presents 10 songs – all of them are the traditional Romani songs, played in arrangements by Manusha.
In 2022, the Documentation and Information Centre of the Romani Culture began to document the Romani cimbalom bands, especially those which carry on the family musical tradition. The pop song originally, Nane maro, nane mas (No Bread, No Meat), now played in folkloric arrangement. The lyrics is in the Romani language, the witty description of the starving family.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Manuša general audience internal
A tu, more - Manuša
created: 18. 12. 2023 06:50 modified: 18. 12. 2023 06:51
The members of the band Manusha (People) are professional musicians. The music project had been initiated by the Slovak singer Julia Kozakova; the musicians are Lubomir Gaspar on cimbalom, Viliam Didias on violin, Vojtech “Belu” Botos on viola and Jan Rigo on double-bass. In 2022, with the support of the Fund for Development of the National Minorities’ Culture in SR, and The Bratislava Self-Governing Region, the band released the album with the same name. The album presents 10 songs – all of them are the traditional Romani songs, played in arrangements by Manusha.
In 2022, the Documentation and Information Centre of the Romani Culture began to document the Romani cimbalom bands, especially those which carry on the family musical tradition.
The song A tu, more (And You, Boy) is the folk dance song, a czardasz, played in 2/4 time. The lyrics is in Romani language; the Romani girl bitterly accuses the mother of her boyfriend of refusing to accept her as future daughter-in-law. The girl tells the boy to go and look for another girl which will be his mother’s liking.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Manuša general audience internal
Jaj Devlale - Manuša
created: 18. 12. 2023 06:41 modified: 18. 12. 2023 06:43
The members of the band Manusha (People) are professional musicians. The music project had been initiated by the Slovak singer Julia Kozakova; the musicians are Lubomir Gaspar on cimbalom, Viliam Didias on violin, Vojtech “Belu” Botos on viola and Jan Rigo on double-bass. In 2022, with the support of the Fund for Development of the National Minorities’ Culture in SR, and The Bratislava Self-Governing Region, the band released the album with the same name. The album presents 10 songs – all of them are the traditional Romani songs, played in arrangements by the Manusha.
In 2022, the Documentation and Information Centre of the Romani Culture began to document the Romani cimbalom bands, especially those which carry on the family musical tradition.
The song Jaj, Devlale (Ay, God) is a dance song; the beginning of the song has a slow onset, which gradually gains momentum and intensity. It is also a folk song, now sung by Julia Kozakova, accompanied by the band Manusha.
category: music
tags: vocal-instrumental modern folk quintet borrowed Romani Manuša general audience internal
Vojtech Botoš
created: 15. 12. 2023 08:56 modified: 15. 12. 2023 08:58
The members of the band Manusha (People) are professional musicians. The music project had been initiated by the Slovak singer Julia Kozakova; the musicians are Lubomir Gaspar on cimbalom, Viliam Didias on violin, Vojtech “Belu” Botos on viola and Jan Rigo on double-bass. In 2022, with the support of the Fund for Development of the National Minorities’ Culture in SR, and The Bratislava Self-Governing Region, the band released the album with the same name. The album presents 10 songs – all of them are the traditional Romani songs, played in arrangements by Manusha.
In 2022, the Documentation and Information Centre of the Romani Culture began to document the Romani cimbalom bands, especially those which carry on the family musical tradition.
Vojtech Botoš plays viola, he's a professional musician and a member of the Symphonic Orchestra of the Slovak Radio. The profile intervies.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Vojtech Botoš internal general audience
Dušan Deme
created: 14. 12. 2023 10:45 modified: 14. 12. 2023 10:46
Dušan Deme was born into a musical family in Lučenec. His grandfather brought him to music, since early childhood. He played the piano from the age of 6, later he also studied at an Elementary Art School. He also studied singing. Since the age of 14, he has been making a living from music by performing at various events, later he worked on various ocean liners as a pianist and singer. He is particularly inclined towards Romani music, folk songs, jazz and older Slovak dance music. In the interview, in addition to memories of his family, he also talks about what he thinks about contemporary Romani music, the future of traditional cimbalom bands in Slovakia, his work in the Roland Horváth Orchestra, but also about the Romani language and culture.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue general Slovak Dušan Deme general audience internal
Gejza Adam
created: 05. 12. 2023 13:41 modified: 05. 12. 2023 13:42
PaedDr. Gejza Adam, PhD. (born 1951 in Michalovce) is an important figure in the Roma emancipation movement in the former Czechoslovakia and subsequently, in the Slovak Republic. As a qualified teacher for the 1st grade of elementary schools (Faculty of Pedagogy, P.J. Šafárik University – a graduate), he participated in activities in the field of education of Romani children already around the mid-1980s. In the years 1989-1992, he was a member of the Public Against Violence (Verejnosť proti násiliu - VPN) movement, where he represented the Roma Citizens' Initiative platform (Rómska občianska iniciatíva – ROI). In the years 1990 – 1992, he was a member of the Federal Assembly of the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic (FZ ČSFR). In 1998, he became a member of the Government Council for National Minorities and Ethnic Groups in the Slovak Republic, in 2000-2004 he was Commissioner for Roma Education within the International Romani Union (IRU). He continued his political work as the chairman of the Roma Coalition Party (Strana rómskej koalície – SRK) until 2020.
What can be considered as the greatest achievements of his career is the cooperation in the process of granting the status of a national minority to the Roma, the establishment of a network of private secondary schools (Private Secondary Pedagogical and Social Academy, Private Secondary Art School) where Romani language is taught as well as taught in, the establishment of the Detached Workplace of the University of Health Services and Social Work of St. Elisabeth in Košice of which he acted as the headperson.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Slovak Gejza Adam general audience internal
Csaba Horváth
created: 05. 12. 2023 09:09 modified: 27. 06. 2024 10:35
Csaba Horváth sa dostal do povedomia širšej rómskej, ako aj majoritnej verejnosti vďaka vedeniu platformy s názvom Opre Roma, ktorá ponúkala priestor pre sieťovanie samospráv, firiem a organizácií, prevažne z južných okresov Slovenskej republiky. Skúsenosti a zručnosti získané počas pôsobenia vo verejnej službe neskôr zužitkoval v aktivitách tretieho sektora. Csaba Horváth v rozhovore ozrejmuje jednotlivé aspekty svojho verejného života, čiastočne sa venuje aj detstvu, rodine a jej vplyvu na jeho súčasné pôsobenie.
category: speaking
tags: biographical monologue guided Slovak Csaba Horváth general audience internal
Viktor Teru: Generation
created: 04. 12. 2023 15:04 modified: 05. 12. 2023 07:34
Viktor Teru comes from Veľké Kapušiany. He graduated in social work and had several professions. Since 2014 he has been working at the Roma Education Fund (REF), currently as a national facilitator. He is also an advisor to President Zuzana Čaputová. In the fifth part of his memoir, he talks about the new generation of Roma intelligentsia, about mentoring and tutoring, and about the possibilities and opportunities for young Roma for self-realisation.
category: speaking
tags: biographical monologue guided Slovak Viktor Teru general audience internal
Viktor Teru: Advisor
created: 04. 12. 2023 08:24 modified: 05. 12. 2023 07:43
Viktor Teru comes from Veľké Kapušiany. He graduated in social work and had several professions. Since 2014 he has been working at the Roma Education Fund (REF), currently as a national facilitator. He is also an advisor to President Zuzana Čaputová. In the fourth part of his memoir, he talks about his work as an advisor to the President and also about his idea of mainstreaming the Roma issue.
category: speaking
tags: biographical monologue guided Slovak Viktor Teru general audience internal
Viktor Teru: Discrimination
created: 01. 12. 2023 12:18 modified: 05. 12. 2023 07:52
Viktor Teru comes from Veľké Kapušiany. He graduated in social work and had several professions. Since 2014 he has been working at the Roma Education Fund (REF), currently as a national facilitator. He is also an advisor to President Zuzana Čaputová. In the third part of his memoir, he talks about discrimination and racism, about his personal experiences in his professional and private life.
category: speaking
tags: biographical monologue guided Slovak Viktor Teru general audience internal