Red Flowers
created: 20. 10. 2017 15:05 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the embroidery Red Flowers is Renata Bendikova. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipe - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: Combination of textile techniques on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact embroidery Renáta Bendíková general audience internal
Romani Caravan
created: 20. 10. 2017 14:59 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the painting Romani Caravan is Silvia Markovicova. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipen - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: tempera on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Silvia Markovičová general audience internal
Still Life with Shack
created: 20. 10. 2017 14:45 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the painting Still Life with Shack is Silvia Markovičová. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipe - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: tempera painting on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Silvia Markovičová general audience internal
created: 20. 10. 2017 14:32 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the embroidery Grapes is Marcela Mutnanova. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipe - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: Combination of textile techniques on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact embroidery Marcela Mutňanová general audience internal
created: 20. 10. 2017 14:26 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the painting Butterflies is Jaroslav Sirotnik. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipe - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: Combination of techniques on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact painting Jaroslav Sirotník general audience internal
created: 20. 10. 2017 14:21 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the embroidery Ornaments is Nikola Bendikova. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipe - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: Combination of textile techniques on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact embroidery Nikola Bendíková general audience internal
A colourful flower
created: 20. 10. 2017 14:16 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the embroidery A colourful flower is Nikola Bendíková. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipe - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: Combination of textile techniques on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact embroidery Nikola Bendíková general audience internal
created: 20. 10. 2017 14:10 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the embroidery Gold is Marcela Mutnanova. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipe - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: Combination of textile techniques on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact embroidery Marcela Mutňanová general audience internal
created: 20. 10. 2017 14:04 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the embroidery Heart is Marcela Mutnanova. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipe - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: Combination of textile techniques on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact embroidery Marcela Mutňanová general audience internal
created: 20. 10. 2017 13:56 modified: 27. 11. 2020 01:47
The author of the embroidery Roses is Terezia Tancosova. The artifact was made in 2006, during the project titled Feder dzivipe - Lepsi zivot (Better Life), implemented by the Civic Association for Support and Regional Development and the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Romani Communities, supported by the European Social Fund. In cooperation with the Office for Labour, Social Affairs and Family there were 33 unemployed Roma selected who received training; the Association then started searching for permanent jobs for them, in various professions. Some of the worked in crafts and arts workshop lead by the lecturere, the fine arts pedagogue Mgr. Miriam Kavulicova-Tomasiakova, where, besides many other aesthetic and practically used objects the above-mentioned artifact was made.
Technique: Combination of textile techniques on sololit.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic 2D artifact embroidery Terézia Tancošová general audience internal