JUDr. Gustáv Karika - speaking
created: 22. 12. 2017 08:16 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
JUDr. Gustav Karika (1930 - 2016) was born in Myjava, in the Roma settlement. He was one of the first lawyers of Romani origin in the former Czechoslovakia. In the narrative that was recorded on 12 May 2014 at his home in New Dubnica, he is gradually addressing both biographical and factual themes - from his family, through education, to career and to historical events that shaped our geopolitical space from World War II to the present. In the narrative, he mentions several concepts, names and events that are not part of general education anymore, so we also explain them.
The Association of Gypsies-Roma (1969 - 1973) It was created as a social organization during the so-called reconstruction process in Czechoslovakia in order to achieve equal and peaceful coexistence and mitigation of state-controlled assimilation. Following the onset of normalization in 1973, it was abolished.
Butiker / Nevodrom - economic facilities of the The Association of Gypsies-Roma. They supported employment opportunities for Roma, commissioned by Roma craftsmen, established workshops.
Andrej Andreyevich Vlasov (September 14, 1901 - August 2, 1946) Soviet general of Russian descent. After the Battle of Leningrad he got into German captivity, cooperated with the Nazis, founded the Russian Liberation Army.
Vlasovci - followers of General Vlasov, a military unit formed of Soviet prisoners of war as well as volunteers, emigrants and opponents of Communism (Stalinism).
Rudolf Slánský - (July 31, 1901, Nezvěstice - December 3, 1952, Prague) General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party in 1945 - 1951). In 1951, he was accused of organizing an anti-state conspiracy, sentenced and subsequently executed in well-known political processes. The court rehabilitated him in 1963 and the Communist Party in 1968.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak JUDr. Gustáv Karika general audience internal
The Romani Literature Club
created: 21. 12. 2017 15:13 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The Romani Literature Club (ROLIK) is the association of the authors of poetry and prose who are inspired by life of Roma. ROLIK was founded in 2009 in Banská Bystrica, based on the initiative of the Association of the Romani Initiatives, its founding member is Mgr. Marián Balog. The aim of the club is to present the literary works of Romanies and the ones about Romanies. The discussion with the members of the Romani Literature Club was done in Banská Bystrica, on April 29, 2016. The video records the discussions with Ivana Cicková, Mgr. Marián Balog, Milan Berko and Zlatica Rusová. The discussion provides information about the works of the individual authors, their first step in writing. The discussion takes a form of the dialogue between the respective authors and Mgr. Marián Balog. In the discussion the participants mention the names of the prominent personalities known from the Romani cultural and social environment, their significance for the Romani literarz and informational and academic work.
category: speaking
tags: academic discussion paper dialogue humanities Slovak Marián Balog - bookman Milan Berko Ivana Cicková Zlatica Rusová general audience internal
Jozef Fečo - Drawing the Portrait
created: 21. 12. 2017 15:11 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The video documents Jozef Fečo's artwork - drawing the portrait. The person portrayed is a prominent Romani personality - a physician, a co-founder of the International Romani Union, a candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize in 2001, MUDr. Ján Cibuľa, originally from Klenovec. Jozef Fečo (1993 -) is an artist of Romani origin from Kračúnovce, district of Svidník. He graduated from the Secondary School of Arts in Prešov, specialization in design and wood curving. Material: hard paper, A2. Technique: coal drawing combined with white and black tempera. Music by: Duo Farsa, Jozef Fečo.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic in persona drawing Slovak Jozef Fečo general audience internal
Martin Kaleja-Januv - Speaking
created: 21. 12. 2017 15:04 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Martin Kaleja-Januv (1984-) was born in a Romani settlement in Jarovnice where he lives. His relation to fine arts was built during his years in elementary school, under the guidance of Art Education teacher, Jan Sajko. He continued his studies at the Secondary School of Arts in Prešov, in the field of art carving. Besides painting and drawing he keeps woodcarving, in which the religious motives dominate. Martin Kaleja-Januv works at the local elementary school in Jarovnice as a teacher's assistant.
category: fine arts
tags: secular material artistic in persona drawing Martin Kaleja general audience internal
Pavel Klinec - Speaking
created: 18. 12. 2017 15:02 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Pavel Klinec from the village Dúbravy, district of Detva, shares his memories in speaking about the life of his parents, siblings and friends during the Second World War. His speaking is based on the memories of his mother, his older brother who was 14-year-old in the meantime, as well as on his own experience learnt when 4 and a half year old. The document was recorded in Dúbravy, district of Detva, in July 19, 2016.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Pavel Klinec general audience internal
Marian Balog - actor, dramaturgist, director
created: 12. 12. 2017 15:40 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Memories narrated by the actor, dramaturge and director of the Theater Romathan, Marian Balog. He came to the theater in 1992. Since 2009, besides acting, he works as dramaturge and director in the theater. His first experience with theater was received before 1992, during his time in the Theater of Jonas Zaborsky in Presov. Besides theater, he played in films in the past. In 2000 he was casted for one of the main roles in the film (co production of Czech Republic, Slovakia and France) named Report on Pilgrimage of Students Peter and Jacob. In 1995 he was awarded the prize given by The Association of the Theater Artists in Slovakia and the Slovak Literature Fund.
Other awards:
2006 – Literature Fund – awarde for exceptional artistic and directing input in creation of the drama The Cunning Family
2007 – The Award of Kosice City for large participation in founding the Theater Romathan, long lasting artistic work in the theater and talented directing which produced the core repertoir of the theater.
2016 – Literature Fund – the annual award for directing the original Romani music fairy-tale Magical Bell.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Marián Balog - dramatist general audience internal
created: 12. 12. 2017 15:17 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Marie Olahova (1963-), known as Marysha from Detva, is the art director, the director of the signing section and dance pedagogue of the Romani folk ensemble Romka. The ensemble was founded bz Juraj Berky and Lubomir Olah in Detva in 1987. Marysha started working in the ensemble in 1989. She worked with hundreds of the Romani children and young people. Narration of Marie Olahova was recorded on July 20, 2016, in the Center for Leisure Time Activities Trend, in Detva. In it she explaines how the costumes are chosen, as well as music or songs and provides information about the main influences and personalities who formed and influenced the ensemble. She thinks about what defines Roma, what is Romani music and Romani culture.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Marie Oláhová general audience internal
Eva Adamová
created: 12. 12. 2017 15:14 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Eva Adamova is a member of the theater ensemble of the Romathan Theater since 2002. She began in the dancing section of the theater, later started getting more acting parts as well as singing opportunities. Besides playing in the theater performances, she also works as the external pedagogue in the Private conservatoire in Kosice. There she leads the courses of acting and dancing for young actors. The digital cultural object was recorded on May 7, 2013 in the then site of Romathan Theater, Stefanikova 4, Kosice. Eva Adamova speaks about her theater and pedagogical carreer. Her work at the theater is illustrated by videos showing the rehearsals and performances of the Romathan Theater.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Eva Adamová general audience internal
Karel Adam
created: 12. 12. 2017 15:08 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
Karel Adam, DiS.art, (1953-) is a professional musician – first violinist, conductor and in the time of speaking the director (1998-2016) of the professional Romani Theater Romathan. After graduation from The State Conservatory in Košice he worked for art agencies Slovkoncert and Pragokoncert. In 1992 he joined the nascent Theater Romathan as a Chief Conductor of the Theater Orchestra. Karel Adam speaks about his childhood, about his beginnings and work in Theatre Romathan. He touches the gradual development of the Theatre and its´ values that actors perform and interpret to the audience. He speaks about terms as Romani music, Romani musical instruments, contemporary Romani music and authenticity.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Slovak Karel Adam general audience internal
Ján Sajko - On Fine Arts Talent in Jarovnice
created: 07. 12. 2017 09:21 modified: 27. 11. 2020 02:00
The video document in which the teacher of fine arts in the Elementary School in Jarovnice speaks about painting talent of the local Romani children, about their painting difference which earned them wide appreciation and prizes from all over the world. He started teaching there in 1986, speaks about his work, presents his visions, plans, reality and future expected for the Romani children in Jarovnice. The awards he received:
2000 - Szinyei Merse Pal Medal - Pedagogues and students from Gymnasium SMP in Budapest
1997 - The Memorial Letter of st. Gorazd (Ministry of Education SR)
2002 - The Smaller Medal of st. Gorazd (Ministry of Education SR)
category: speaking
tags: retrospective factual monologue guided Slovak Ján Sajko general audience internal