prof. PhDr. Eduard Lukáč, PhD. - On the Education of Illiterate Roma in the Army in the Period of the 1st Czechoslovak Republic (1918 - 1938)
created: 02. 04. 2024 13:36 modified: 03. 04. 2024 13:30
The organizer of the 4th annual conference The Current State of Roma Studies IV was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, the Documentation and Information Centre of Roma Culture. The co-organisers were the Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the University of Prešov. The conference was held on 7 and 8 December, 2023 in five panels, with a total of 23 papers. The hybrid format allowed the participation of scientists from abroad.
The author works at the Institute of Pedagogy, Andragogy and Psychology at the Faculty of Humanities and Natural Sciences of the University of Prešov. The paper was recorded on 7.12.2023.
category: speaking
tags: academic presentation monologue conference Slovak Eduard Lukáč academic audience internal
Ján Rigo
created: 14. 03. 2024 06:41 modified: 14. 03. 2024 10:42
Ján Rigo comes from Bratislava. He attended the Folk Conservatory, he is a long-time musician playing the double-bass, currently as a freelance musician. He played together with many renowned musicians both in Slovakia as well as abroad. He is a guest musician performing with the bands Gipsy Way Ensemble, Gypsy Jazz SK (the music band lead by Ján Berky-Mrenica Jr.) and at the time of the recording he was a permanent member of the group Manuša, with which he released an album of the same name in 2022.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Ján Rigo internal general audience
Elena Lacková - Let's Get Introduced (The Debate in Handlová)
created: 08. 03. 2024 11:27 modified: 08. 03. 2024 11:28
The video is the archived material of the NGO Jekhetane-Spolu. Its content is the recorded debate of the writer Elena Lacková which took place in the Library in Handlová; this event being a part of the series of events named Let's Get Introduced. The original video is recorded on VHS tape, the digital version was made in 2002 through digitalization of the tape. Some parts of the debate in the original record are edited, hence the utterance of sentences isn't finished properly. The object is provided only for studying purposes and research of Elena Lacková. The author of the video isn't identified.
Elena Lacková was born on March 22, 1921 in Veľký Šariš. She is one of the most important Romani writer. She wrote fot both children and adult readers. She graduated from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the Charles University in Prague (1970). She wrote prose as well as dramatic pieces. She was a lifelong activist and Romani advocate.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical dialogue general Slovak Elena Lacková general audience internal
Roma and the Slovak National Uprising
created: 05. 03. 2024 07:56 modified: 05. 03. 2024 08:06
The editorial office of the Slovak Radio broadcasting for national minorities, the studio Košice, provided space for a meeting of the students from Košice secondary schools and the historian and ethnologist Zuzana Kumanová, during which the topic of the Slovak National Uprising was discussed. According to Zuzana Kumanová, the Slovak National Uprising anniversaries are also an opportunity for remembrance of the heroic deeds of the Roma who risked and sacrificed their lives in the fight for freedom and democracy. Zuzana Kumanová presents Roma not only as victims of war murders, but also as heroes, partisans and fighters for freedom. She also introduced the topic of identity to the listeners. The event’s host was Erika Godlová, it took place on September 13, 2018 in the studio of RTVS on Moyzesova street no. 7 in Košice.
category: speaking
tags: academic scientific discussion dialogue humanities Slovak Zuzana Kumanová Erika Godlová general audience internal
Rudolf Balog a Július Ökrös
created: 04. 03. 2024 14:32 modified: 04. 03. 2024 14:34
Rudolf Balog and Julius Okros are members of the cimbalom band named Peter Horvath Orchestra. Rudolf Balog plays double-bass, Julius Okros plays violin. In the interview with both of them, made as an outcome of documentation of the Romani cimbalom bands, they speak about musical family environment, the influence it had on their actual professional lives. Julius attended the Art School in Filakovo which he graduated, thus he achieved the secondary music education. When five year old, he got violin in his hands and keeps holding it still. Rudolf was self-taugh musician who learnt fundamental skills how to play the music instrument in his family. The video document was recorded on August 24, 2022 in Presov.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Rudolf Balog Július Ökrös internal general audience
Viliam Didiáš
created: 01. 02. 2024 12:54 modified: 01. 02. 2024 12:55
Viliam Didiáš comes from Zvolen, from a family of musicians. He was gifted his first violin when he was three years old. After graduating from the then Folk School of Arts, he continued his studies at the Ján Levoslav Bella Conservatory in Banská Bystrica. After graduation in 1998, he started performing as a freelance artist. He completed several master’s art courses, significantly improving his mastery of playing the violin as well as more mature interpretation of music. He played in various musical groups, at the time of the recording he was a permanent member of the group Manuša, with which he released an album of the same name in 2022.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Viliam Didiáš internal general audience
Denisa Havrlova - Speaking
created: 22. 01. 2024 16:20 modified: 22. 01. 2024 16:21
Mgr. art Denisa Havrlova (1971-) is the Romani activist and journalist, born in the village Ocova. She graduated from the Fine Arts College in Bratislava, specialization as a director of documentary film, as well as from the Academy of Arts in Banska Bystrica, where she studied the documentary film making. She was active in the field of journalism, since 1998 she started to work for the Romani newspaper Romano nevo lil, in Presov. Later on, in 2008, she became its editor-in-chief. For the Slovak Press Agency (TASR) she worked as the visual editor, she also tried the work for the Office of Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for the Romani Communities. In her speaking she mentions her first steps in journalism and the following professional growth. She speaks about the Romani topic in the media, the picture of Roma in the media and the Romani media. She speaks about the people who helped her in professional and personal development, and she expresses her gratitude.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Denisa Havrľová general audience internal
Július Žiga
created: 09. 01. 2024 11:09 modified: 09. 01. 2024 11:15
The interview with Július Žiga about the family and its musical tradition. In the interview, he mentions the musical lineages on his father's and mother's side, his own way to music, his teaching carreer as well as the story of his own family band.
The band consists of the Žiga family members: father Július, daughter Bohdana and son Filip.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Július Žiga general audience internal
Vojtech Botoš
created: 15. 12. 2023 08:56 modified: 15. 12. 2023 08:58
The members of the band Manusha (People) are professional musicians. The music project had been initiated by the Slovak singer Julia Kozakova; the musicians are Lubomir Gaspar on cimbalom, Viliam Didias on violin, Vojtech “Belu” Botos on viola and Jan Rigo on double-bass. In 2022, with the support of the Fund for Development of the National Minorities’ Culture in SR, and The Bratislava Self-Governing Region, the band released the album with the same name. The album presents 10 songs – all of them are the traditional Romani songs, played in arrangements by Manusha.
In 2022, the Documentation and Information Centre of the Romani Culture began to document the Romani cimbalom bands, especially those which carry on the family musical tradition.
Vojtech Botoš plays viola, he's a professional musician and a member of the Symphonic Orchestra of the Slovak Radio. The profile intervies.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Vojtech Botoš internal general audience
Dušan Deme
created: 14. 12. 2023 10:45 modified: 14. 12. 2023 10:46
Dušan Deme was born into a musical family in Lučenec. His grandfather brought him to music, since early childhood. He played the piano from the age of 6, later he also studied at an Elementary Art School. He also studied singing. Since the age of 14, he has been making a living from music by performing at various events, later he worked on various ocean liners as a pianist and singer. He is particularly inclined towards Romani music, folk songs, jazz and older Slovak dance music. In the interview, in addition to memories of his family, he also talks about what he thinks about contemporary Romani music, the future of traditional cimbalom bands in Slovakia, his work in the Roland Horváth Orchestra, but also about the Romani language and culture.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue general Slovak Dušan Deme general audience internal