Doc. PhDr. Marek Lukáč, PhD.: (Non)Support of Adults from Marginalized Romani Communities in Vocational Education
created: 20. 05. 2023 21:54 modified: 20. 05. 2023 21:55
The third year of the conference titled The Current State of Romani Studies III; the organizer was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, a documentation and information center of Romani culture. The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the Prešov University in Prešov collaborated. It was held on 1-2 December 2002 at the University of Prešov. The hybrid form enabled the participation of scientists from abroad as well. There were 23 contributions in five panels.
In the panel Schools and Education, Doc. PhDr. Marek Lukáč, PhD. from The Prešov University in Prešov, Institute of Roma Studies, presented his paper titled (Non)Support of Adults from Marginalized Romani Communities in Vocational Education. The video was recorded on December 2, 2022.
category: speaking
tags: academic report monologue conference Slovak Marek Lukáč academic audience internal
Mgr. Ondrej Ficeri, PhD.: Problems of Pre-Primary Education of Roma Children in the Period of State Socialism
created: 20. 05. 2023 21:47 modified: 20. 05. 2023 21:48
The third year of the conference titled The Current State of Romani Studies III; the organizer was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, a documentation and information center of Romani culture. The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the Prešov University in Prešov collaborated. It was held on 1-2 December 2022 at the University of Prešov. The hybrid form enabled the participation of scientists from abroad as well. There were 23 contributions in five panels.
In the panel Schools and Education, a paper entitled Problems of Pre-Primary Education of Roma Children in the Period of State Socialism, was presented by Mgr. Ondrej Ficeri, PhD. from the Institute of Social Sciences SAV CSPV SAV v.v.i. The video was created on December 2, 2022.
category: speaking
tags: academic report monologue conference Slovak Ondrej Ficeri academic audience internal
Mgr. Alena Vrábľová: Helping Professionals - an Important Part of Inclusive Education in Kindergartens
created: 03. 05. 2023 22:21 modified: 03. 05. 2023 22:22
The third year of the conference titled The Current State of Romani Studies III; the organizer was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, a documentation and information center of Romani culture. The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the Prešov University in Prešov collaborated. It was held on 1-2 December 2022 at the University of Prešov. The hybrid form enabled the participation of scientists from abroad as well. There were 23 contributions in five panels.
In the panel Schools and Education Mgr. Alena Vrábľová from the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica presented the paper titled Helping Professionals - an Important Part of Inclusive Education in Kindergartens. The video was created on December 2, 2022.
category: speaking
tags: academic report monologue conference Slovak Alena Vrábľová academic audience internal
Mgr. Lucia Segľová, PhD.: Photographic Testimony - Romani Settlement in Sučany in the 60s of the 20th Century
created: 03. 05. 2023 15:45 modified: 03. 05. 2023 15:46
The third year of the conference titled The Current State of Romani Studies III; the organizer was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, a documentation and information center of Romani culture. The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the Prešov University in Prešov collaborated. It was held on 1-2 December 2022 at the University of Prešov. The hybrid form enabled the participation of scientists from abroad as well. There were 23 contributions in five panels.
In the panel Roma in Historical-Political Discourse, a contribution entitled "Photographic testimony - Romani Settlement in Sučany in the 60s of the 20th Century" was presented by the historian Mgr. Lucie Segľová, PhD. from the University of Prešov in Prešov, Institute of Roma Studies. The video was created on December 1, 2022.
category: speaking
tags: academic report monologue conference Slovak Lucia Segľová academic audience internal
RNDr. Tadeáš Gavala, PhD.: PSK and the Romani Issues - Current Situation and Vision
created: 03. 05. 2023 15:42 modified: 03. 05. 2023 15:43
The third year of the conference titled The Current State of Romani Studies III; the organizer was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, a documentation and information center of Romani culture. The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the Prešov University in Prešov collaborated. It was held on 1-2 December 2022 at the University of Prešov. The hybrid form enabled the participation of scientists from abroad as well. There were 23 contributions in five panels.
In the panel Roma in Historical-Political Discourse, RNDr. Tadeáš Gavala, PhD. Presented the economic and strategic development plans of the Prešov Self-Governing Region with an emphasis on the development of Romani communities. The video was created on December 1, 2022.
category: speaking
tags: academic report monologue conference Slovak Tadeáš Gavala academic audience internal
Mgr. Klara Kohoutová, PhD., Mgr. Jana Papcunová, PhD.: Hate Speech against Roma
created: 03. 05. 2023 15:39 modified: 03. 05. 2023 15:40
The third year of the conference titled The Current State of Romani Studies III; the organizer was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, a documentation and information center of Romani culture. The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the Prešov University in Prešov collaborated. It was held on 1-2 December 2022 at the University of Prešov. The hybrid form enabled the participation of scientists from abroad as well. There were 23 contributions in five panels.
In the panel Roma in the Digital Environment, a presentation called Hate Speech against Roma was given by Mgr. Klára Kohoutová, PhD. and Mgr. Jana Papcunová, PhD.,; The Institute of Social Sciences CSPV SAV, v.v.i. The topic is hate speech in the online space. The video was created on December 1, 2022.
category: speaking
tags: academic report monologue conference Slovak Klara Kohoutová Jana Papcunová academic audience internal
Ing. Anna Kalistová, PhD. - The Institute of Social Sciences SAS, CSPV v.v.i.
created: 03. 05. 2023 15:34 modified: 03. 05. 2023 15:37
The third year of the conference titled The Current State of Romani Studies III; the organizer was the State Scientific Library in Prešov, a documentation and information center of Romani culture. The Center of Social and Psychological Sciences of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Roma Studies of the Prešov University in Prešov collaborated. It was held on 1-2 December 2022 at the University of Prešov. The hybrid form enabled the participation of scientists from abroad as well. There were 23 contributions in five panels.
Ing. Anna Kalistová, PhD., head of the organizational branch of the SVÚ CSPV SAS, v.v.i., opened the conference and informed about the current research conducted by the SAS. The video is a recording of her contribution, recorded on December 1, 2022.
category: speaking
tags: academic report monologue conference Slovak Anna Kalistová academic audience internal
A Rom from Feather-Bed or Enter Majority
created: 23. 03. 2023 11:57 modified: 23. 03. 2023 12:08
A monodrama, the author is František Balog who also plays the title role, is based on his own life story. Jovial and witty, with large dose of sarcasm, the scenes from the life of the Romani boy growing in orphanage are accompanied by songs sung by the actor who also plays piano. The drama illustrates the principal events and meetings, successes and failures which shaped the protagonist from his childhood to adulthood. The autobiographic elements make the monodrama an extremely personal statement of the most sensitive talented artist who inspite of his social handicap is able to find his own place in life and achieve his goals without losing his compassion and optimism. The under title of the drama – Enter Majority insinuates – according to its author – his own coming of age and becoming adult; in the same time it speaks about acts of people who smuggled him into the mainstream society, something what first seemed next to impossible. The monodrama is performed in RS9 Színház in Budapest, Hungary, during the program of the theater festival Roma Heroes.
Screenplay - František Balog; Director - Juraj Bielik; Performer – František Balog
Frantisek Balog was born on November 9, 1982 to underage Romani mother in a Romani settlement. He grew up in the orphanage SLON (An Elephant) in Šarišské Michaľany, he sang in their choir and became a well-known child TV star. Later, he studed acting in the Secondary School of Arts in Košice (2002 – 2005), after graduation he went on College for Musical Arts where he specialized in musical acting (2005 – 2008). He was a member of various theaters: The Arena Theater, The International Theater Meteorit, The L+S Theater, The Bolek Polivka’s Theater, Studio 12, The Theater a.ha, The Bibiana Theater, The State Theater in Košice (since 2010 on). His roles on the stage include dozens of smaller as well as bigger roles. In several TV series he managed to secure several smaller roles as well. He also works at the Actor Theater in Košice, for which he plays, writes and produces his own plays.
category: drama
tags: theater comedy spoken drama stage original Slovak František Balog Juraj Bielik general audience internal
Zuzana Andrejová - Collectibles documenting Roma culture in the Regional Museum in Prešov
created: 23. 03. 2023 11:24 modified: 31. 03. 2023 13:57
Expert paper presentation on the collectibles documenting the Romani culture in the Regional Museum in Prešov, presented at the conference titled Romani Culture in the Digital Environment, the speech delivered by Mgr. Zuzana Andrejová, PhD.
The event with international participation was organised by the State Scientific Library in Prešov, its documentation and information center of Romani culture, in cooperation with the Methodological and Pedagogical Center in Prešov on November 20, 2019.
category: speaking
tags: academic presentation monologue conference Slovak Zuzana Andrejová academic audience internal
Alexander Daško
created: 22. 03. 2023 15:21 modified: 22. 04. 2024 07:35
Alexander Daško was born in the settlement in Čierny Balog, the youngest of 13 children. According to his words, it was music which became his ticket into the world; which he both studies and performes since his childhood, being able to do so thanks to a strong sense of responsibility of his parents. Nowadays a musician well known not only in Slovakia has his own band, three children and a Russian wife. The family si, therefore, multicultural, speaking Romani, Slovak, Russian and English languages. He graduated from conservatoire in Žilina, later on from the Faculty of Pedagogy of Matej Bel University. In Banská Bystrica he has organised already 15 years of the event – the festival Gypsy Fire; he established his private musical school for talented Romani and non-Romani children.
category: speaking
tags: retrospective biographical monologue guided Slovak Alexander Daško general audience internal